Python: Liberator External API for Python

Installation and Using the API from your environment

The liberator service is a restful API allowing authenticated users access to the hosted data sets.


  • Python 3
  • requests, pandas, httpx, async_generator, pyarrow modules must be installed
       conda create -n liberator python=3.7

       conda activate liberator

       conda install -c anaconda requests

       conda install pandas

       conda install -c conda-forge httpx async_generator pyarrow=8.0.0
  • Security Access files from the Downloads ZIP file
    • pfx - placed in the your working directory or installed into your python environment.
    • py – The liberator API for Python. This file needs to be in your working directory or installed into your python environment.
    • json - placed in the your directory or installed into your python environment. It should contain YOUR Username & Token

🎵 CloudQuant Note

These three files should be in your working directory

When working with Jupyter Notebooks, you must set the working directory to to the directory containing liberator.pfx and liberator.json. This can be done through one of the methods described here:

With the downloaded files in your workspace and the prerequisites installed we can move on to pulling some data.

🔥 Critical Note: liberator.pfx,, and liberator.json must be in your working directory

CloudQuant Charting Add In

If you choose to work with CloudQuant Charting, you will need additional packages. CloudQuant Charting comes with the api but requires additional packages. For more information about CloudQuant charting see Charting  included in the download. The additional packages that you will need are:

  • plotly
  • TALib
  • Numpy