Python: CloudQuant Charting

CloudQuant Charting Documentation


From liberator import charting


The Histogram function will generate a chart distribution/histogram chart that is branded with CloudQuant logo and colors.



Required Keyword Arguments:

  • "df" = the pandas data frame with the data you want to graph
  • "col" = (string) dataframe column name you wish to graph

Optional Keyword Arguments:

  • "title" = (string) The title at the top of the chart. title can contain some html tags like:
    •  <b></b><i></i> and <br>.
       note: not all html tags are supported.
  • "xlabel" = (string) the label for the x axis. xlabel can contain some html tags like:
    •  <b></b><i></i> and <br>.
  • "ylabel" = (string) the label for the y axis. ylabel can contain some html tags like:
    •  <b></b><i></i> and <br>.
  • "histnorm" = (string) One of 'percent', 'probability', 'density', or 'probability density'. If None, the output of histfunc is used as is. If 'probability', the output of histfunc for a given bin is divided by the sum of the output of histfunc for all bins. If 'percent', the output of histfunc for a given bin is divided by the sum of the output of histfunc for all bins and multiplied by 100. If 'density', the output of histfunc for a given bin is divided by the size of the bin. If 'probability density', the output of histfunc for a given bin is normalized such that it corresponds to the probability that a random event whose distribution is described by the output of histfunc will fall into that bin.
  • "width" = Horizontal size (in px). Defaults to 800. Cannot be less than 400
  • "height" = Vertical size (in px) . Defaults to 800. Cannot be less than 400

Charting overlays of another series - Optional

💡 note: it is a good idea to rename the overlay_col to a name that looks better visually

  • "overlay_df" = the pandas data frame with the data you compare in the graph
  • "overlay_col" = (string) dataframe column name you wish to compare in graph

Example Histogram

import liberator #CloudQuant Data Liberator
import pandas as pd #Pandas data frames
from liberator import charting #cloudquant charting
# query liberator to get the latest daily data for a list of stocks
res = liberator.query(name="daily_bars")

# convert the results to a dataframe
df_bars = liberator.get_dataframe(res)
# sort the market data by volume descending
df_bars = df_bars.sort_values(by = ['volume'], ascending=[False])
#calculate the change (close - open) for the market data in the data frame
change = df_bars.close -
df_bars["change"] = change
# create a histogram chart of the change price of the top 100 (by volume) stocks
change = df_bars.close -
fig = charting.Histogram(df = df_bars[0:100], col = "change",
title="<b>Change Px Distribution</b> <br>of last trading day's top 100 High Volume Stocks",
width = 800, height = 400, histnorm = "probability")



The Candlestick function will generate a Candlestick chart that is branded with CloudQuant logo and colors.

returns either a single or an array of:


Required Keyword Arguments:

  • "df" = the pandas data frame with the OHLC data you want to graph This is typically a liberator query for "Daily Bars" or "Minute Bars"
    • NOTE: the data frame must have at least 20 bars of data

💡 note: the data frame must have at least 20 bars of data

Optional Keyword Arguments:

  • "title" = (string) The title at the top of the chart. title can contain some HTML tags like:
    •  <b></b><i></i> and <br>.
  • "xlabel" = (string) the label for the x axis. xlabel can contain some html tags like:
    •  <b></b><i></i> and <br>.
    • xlabel defaults to "Time (EST - New York)"
  • "ylabel" = (string) the label for the y axis. ylabel can contain some HTML tags like:
    •  <b></b><i></i> and <br>.
    • defaults to "Price $ - US Dollars"
  • "width" = Horizontal size (in px). Defaults to 800. Cannot be less than 700
  • "height" = Vertical size (in px) . Defaults to 800. Cannot be less than 400
  • "open" = the name of the open column. Defaults to "open"
  • "high" = the name of the high column. Defaults to "high"
  • "low" = the name of the low column. Defaults to "low"
  • "close" = the name of the close column. Defaults to "close"
  • "timestamp" = the name of the timestamp or date column. Defaults to "timestamp"

Showing a trade (must be round turn with both entry and exit values)

  • "entry_px" = numeric entry price
  • "entry_time" = timestamp of the entry trade
  • "close_px" = numeric closing price
  • "close_time" = timestsamp of the closing trade
  • "entry_side" = The entry action "b" = buy or "s" = sell Entry side is used to compute the color for the shown trade.

Example Candlestick Chart

import liberator
import cloudquantcharting as charting
import pandas as pd
symbol = "XLE"
res = liberator.query(symbols = symbol, name="daily_bars", back_to = '5/1/2020')
df_bars = liberator.get_dataframe(res)

fig = charting.Candlestick(df=df_bars, overlay_df=gaspx, 
                           width = 800, height= 600, xlabel = "Date")


Secondary Y Axis - To overlay a signal

  • "overlay_df" = the pandas data frame with the data you compare in the graph

  • "overlay_col" = (list) or (string) the list of column names or the single dataframe column name you wish to compare in graph. These will appear as thin solid lines on the graph.

    note: line names will use the column names in the legend

    note: all secondary axis values should be in the same numeric range otherwise the secondary axis will be useless.

  • "overlay_col2" = (list) or (string) the list of column names or the single dataframe column name you wish to compare in graph. These will appear as thin dashed lines on the graph.

    note: line names will use the column names in the legend

    note: all secondary axis values should be in the same numeric range otherwise the secondary axis will be useless.

Example Candlestick chart with a Data overlay

import liberator #CloudQuant Data Liberator
import pandas as pd #Pandas data frames
from liberator import charting #cloudquant charting
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
back_to = ( + timedelta(days=-360) ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') #get the start date for N days ago
symbol = "SPY"
# query liberator to get the market data for our symbol for the last N days
res = liberator.query(name="daily_bars", symbols=symbol, back_to=back_to)
# convert the results to a dataframe
df_bars = liberator.get_dataframe(res)

# Read Retail gas prices
res = liberator.query( name="eia_gas_prices", back_to = back_to)
gaspx = liberator.get_dataframe(res)

# chart the market data showing a second Y-Axis 
fig = charting.Candlestick(df=df_bars, overlay_df=gaspx, 
                           overlay_col = "retail_gas_price", 
                           height= 700, width=800,
                          xlabel = "Date",
                          title = "SPY vs Retail Gas Prices")


Studies for Candlestick Charts

💡 Important Note for Studies. If you request Studies you MAY receive more than one figure in your return set. Some studies return a second line chart. See the supported studies section below.

A good example of coding for variable types of output from this function is:

       res = Candlestick(df=df, study=MyStudy, study_columns=[ "high", "low", "close", "volume"])
if isinstance(res, list):
for f in res:"png")

Supported Studies That return ONE FIGURE

    "BBANDS":"Bollinger Bands",  - Arguments = close
"DEMA":"2x Exponential MA", - Arguments = close
"EMA":"Exponential MA", - Arguments = close
"HT_TRENDLINE":"Hilbert Transform", - Arguments = close
"KAMA":"Kaufman MA", - Arguments = close
"MA":"Moving average", - Arguments = close
"MAMA":"MESA Adaptive MA", - Arguments = close
"MIDPOINT":"MidPoint", - Arguments = close
"MIDPRICE":"Midpoint Price", - Arguments = high, low
"SAR":"Parabolic SAR", - Arguments = high, low
"SAREXT":"Parabolic SAR Ext", - Arguments = high, low
"SMA":"Simple MA", - Arguments = close
"T3":"T3 Moving Average", - Arguments = close
"TEMA":"T3 Exponential MA", - Arguments = close
"TRIMA":"Triangular MA", - Arguments = close
"WMA":"Weighted MA", - Arguments = close

Supported Studies That return AN ARRAY of FIGURES

    "ADX":"Avg Dir Move Index",   - Arguments = high, low, close 
"ADXR":"AvgDir MoveIdx Rating", - Arguments = high, low, close
"APO":"ABS PX Oscillator", - Arguments = close
"AROON":"Aroon", - Arguments = high, low
"AROONOSC":"Aroon Oscillator", - Arguments = high, low
"BOP":"Balance Of Power", - Arguments = open, high, low, close
"CCI":"Cmdty Channel Idx", - Arguments = high, low, close
"CMO":"Chande Momentum Osc", - Arguments = close
"DX":"Directnl Move Idx", - Arguments = high, low, close
"MACD":"MA Convg/Diverg", - Arguments = close
"MACDEXT":"MACD EXT", - Arguments = close
"MFI":"Money Flow Index", - Arguments = high, low, close, volume
"MINUS_DI":"Minus DI", - Arguments = high, low, close
"MINUS_DM":"Minus DM", - Arguments = high, low
"MOM":"Momentum", - Arguments = close
"PLUS_DI":"Plus DI", - Arguments = high, low, close
"PLUS_DM":"Plus DM", - Arguments = high, low
"PPO":"%PX Oscillator", - Arguments = close
"ROC":"Rate of change", - Arguments = close
"ROCP":"Rate Δ %", - Arguments = close
"ROCR":"Rate Δ ratio", - Arguments = close
"ROCR100":"Rate Δ ratio 100", - Arguments = close
"RSI":"RSI", - Arguments = close
"STOCH":"Stochastic", - Arguments = high, low, close
"STOCHF":"Stochastic Fast", - Arguments = high, low, close
"STOCHRSI":"Stochastic RSI", - Arguments = close
"TRIX":"1-day ROC", - Arguments = close
"ULTOSC":"Ultimate Oscillator", - Arguments = high, low, close
"WILLR":"Williams %R", - Arguments = high, low, close
"ATR":"Avg True Range", - Arguments = high, low, close
"MACDFIX":"MA Convergence/Divergence ", - Arguments = close
"NATR":"Normalized Average True Range", - Arguments = high, low, close
"TRANGE": "True Range" , - Arguments = high, low, close


The LineChart function will generate a line chart that is branded with CloudQuant logo and colors.



Required Keyword Arguments:

  • "df" = the pandas data frame with the data you want to graph
  • "cols" = List containing (string) names of the dataframe column name you wish to graph as a line. If the cols is an empty list then it will chart any applicable overlays and studies.
  • "x_column" = (string) the name of the dataframe column name you wish to use as the x axis. If not supplied then the x_column will default to the index of the dataframe.

Optional Keyword Arguments:

  • "title" = (string) The title at the top of the chart. title can contain some html tags like 
    • <b></b><i></i> and <br>.
      note: not all html tags are supported.
  • "xlabel" = (string) the label for the x axis. xlabel can contain some html tags like 
    • <b></b><i></i> and <br>.
  • "ylabel" = (string) the label for the y axis. ylabel can contain some html tags like 
    • <b></b><i></i> and <br>.
  • "width" = Horizontal size (in px). Defaults to 800. Cannot be less than 400
  • "height" = Vertical size (in px) . Defaults to 800. Cannot be less than 300

Secondary Y Axis:

  • "y2axis_name" = (string) the name of the secondary axis that will display on the right hand side of the chart. Adding this argument indicates that you want to add a second y axis. Without it no second axis will be created.
  • overlay_df = the data frame that you want to plot. Important Note this dataframe must have a column with the same name and format as the X axis in your original dataframe (df)
  • overlay_cols = [list of strings] this list of strings contains the names of the second Y axis data plots. example ["col1", "col2", "col3"]


NOTE You must specify x_column to chart the studies, even if the x_column is timestamp

  • "study" = Name of the study - See list of supported studies
  • "study_columns" = column names list from the dataframe specified in "df" to perform the study upon in order. If you wish to show a study you must specify the study_column.
  • "timeperiod" = the number of time periods in the study

  • Supported Studies

                 "BBANDS": #Bollinger Bands (defaults to 5 time periods)
    "MAMA": #MESA Adaptive Moving Average (defaults to 5 time periods)
    "DEMA": #Double Exponential Moving Average (defaults to 30 time periods)
    "EMA": #Exponential Moving Average (defaults to 30 time periods)
    "HT_TRENDLINE": #Hilbert Transform - Instantaneous Trendline (no time periods)
    "KAMA": #Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (defaults to 30 time periods)
    "MA": #Moving average (defaults to 30 time periods)
    "MIDPOINT": #MidPoint over period (defaults to 14 time periods)
    "MIDPRICE": #Midpoint Price over period (defaults to 14 time periods)
    "SAR": #Parabolic SAR (no time periods)
    "SAREXT": #Parabolic SAR - Extended (no time periods)
    "SMA": #Simple Moving Average (defaults to 30 time periods)
    "T3": #Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3) (no time periods)
    "TEMA": #Triple Exponential Moving Average (defaults to 30 time periods)
    "TRIMA": #Triangular Moving Average (defaults to 30 time periods)
    "WMA": #Weighted Moving Average (defaults to 30 time periods)


Line Chart Example

import cloudquantcharting
import liberator
from datetime import datetime as dt
res = liberator.query( symbols='AMZN', name='Twitter', back_to = '12/22/2020 08:00:00', as_of='12/22/2020 16:00:00')
twitter_df = liberator.get_dataframe(res)
fig = cloudquantcharting.LineChart(df=twitter_df, cols = ['s-score', 's-buzz', 's', 's-mean', 'sv-score','s-dispersion','s-buzz','s-delta'], x_column = "timestamp")


The BarChart function will generate a bar chart that is branded with CloudQuant logo and colors.



Required Keyword Arguments:

  • "df" = the pandas data frame with the data you want to graph
  • "xcol" = (string) dataframe column name you wish to graph as the X Axis
    • note: of a value appears in the xcol more than once it will cause a stacked bar for that given value.
  • "ycol" = (string) dataframe column name you wish to graph as the Y Axis. This should be a numeric column

Optional Keyword Arguments:

  • "title" = (string) The title at the top of the chart. title can contain some html tags like
    • <b></b><i></i> and <br>. 
  • "xlabel" = (string) the label for the x axis. xlabel can contain some html tags like 
    • <b></b><i></i>
  • "ylabel" = (string) the label for the y axis. ylabel can contain some html tags like 
    • <b></b> and <i></i>
  • "width" = Horizontal size (in px). Defaults to 800. Cannot be less than 400
  • "height" = Vertical size (in px) . Defaults to 400. Cannot be less than 300
  • "singlecolor" = (bool) Should the bar chart be a single color (True or False). defaults to True.
  • "orientation" = 'v' or 'h'. Defaults to v as vertical.

Barchart Example

import liberator #CloudQuant Data Liberator
import pandas as pd #Pandas data frames
from liberator import charting #cloudquant charting
res = liberator.query(name="daily_bars") # query liberator to get the latest daily data for a list of stocks
df_bars = liberator.get_dataframe(res) # convert the results to a dataframe
df_bars = df_bars.sort_values(by = ['volume'], ascending=[False]) # sort the market data by volume descending
fig = charting.BarChart(df = df_bars[0:20], xcol = "symbol", ycol="spread", title="Spread Price of High Volume Stocks", width = 800, height = 400)# create a bar chart of the spread price of the top 20 (by volume) stocks



The Pie function will generate a Pie chart that is branded with CloudQuant logo and colors.



Required Keyword Arguments:

  • "df" = the pandas data frame with the data you want to graph
  • "labelcol" = (string) dataframe column name you wish to graph
  • "valuecol" = (string) dataframe numeric column use for the pie slice size

Optional Keyword Arguments:

  • "title" = (string) The title at the top of the chart. title can contain some html tags like 

    • <b></b><i></i> and <br>. #note: not all html tags are supported.
  • "width" = Horizontal size (in px). Defaults to 800. Cannot be less than 400

  • "height" = Vertical size (in px) . Defaults to 400. Cannot be less than 300

  • "hole" = size of the donut hole (between 0 and 1). 0.0 equals no donut hole.

  • "colors" = Color sequence to use. Defaults to CQ Color palette. Optionally one of ['reds', 'greens', 'blues']

PieChart Example

import liberator #CloudQuant Data Liberator
import pandas as pd #Pandas data frames
from liberator import charting #cloudquant charting
#normally you would use liberator to query a data
values = [ ['Jan', '150000', 'USD'], ['Feb', '200000', 'USD'], ['Mar','330000', 'USD'], ['Apr', '440000', 'USD'],['May', '555000', 'USD'],['June', '355000', 'USD'],
['July', '150000', 'USD'], ['Aug', '130000', 'USD'], ['Sept','330000', 'USD'], ['Oct', '440000', 'USD'], ['Nov', '130000', 'USD'], ['Dec','330000', 'USD']]
df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=["month", "sales", "currency"])
title = "<B>Sales</b><br>by month" #titles can use some html tags to make them look nicer
fig = charting.PieChart(df=df, labelcol='month', valuecol="sales",title = title, height = 700)




The GroupedBarChart function will generate a grouped bar chart that is branded with CloudQuant logo and colors.



Required Keyword Arguments:

  • "df" = the pandas data frame with the data you want to graph
  • "groups" = (string) dataframe column name you wish to graph as the group bar.
  • "values" = (list) a list of dataframe column names you wish to graph as the values. This should be a numeric column

Optional Keyword Arguments:

  • "title" = (string) The title at the top of the chart. title can contain some html tags like
    <b></b><i></i> and <br> #Please note: not all html tags are supported.
  • "group_label" = (string) the glabel for the x axis. The group_label can contain some html tags like
<b></b><i></i> and <br>.
  • "value_label" = (string) the label for the y axis. The value_label can contain some html tags like 
    • <b></b><i></i> and <br>.
  • "width" = Horizontal size (in px). Defaults to 800. Cannot be less than 400
  • "height" = Vertical size (in px) . Defaults to 400. Cannot be less than 300
  • "colors" = A list of colors. Bars' color would iterate the list as a circle. Default set cq_colors list.
  • "orientation" = 'v' or 'h'. Defaults to v as vertical.

Example GroupedBarChart

import liberator #CloudQuant Data Liberator
import pandas as pd #Pandas data frames
from liberator import charting #cloudquant charting
dataset_name = 'reddit_wallstreetbets_comments'
#get the last known values for WSB
df = liberator.get_dataframe(liberator.query(name = dataset_name))
df = df.loc[df['vader_body_sentiment_compound'] > 0]
# sort the dataframe
df = df.sort_values(by = ['vader_body_sentiment_compound'], ascending=[False])
#chart the top 5 sentiment scores
charting.GroupedBarChart(df=df[0:5], groups="symbol", 
                         values = ["vader_body_sentiment_pos",    "vader_body_sentiment_compound", "textblob_body_sentiment_subjectivity"],
                        title="WS Bets Sentiment", group_label = "Symbol", value_label = "sentiment score")



ScatterPlot (**kwargs)

The ScatterPlot function will generate a scatter plot chart that is branded with CloudQuant logo and colors.



Required Keyword Arguments

  • "df" = the pandas data frame with the data you want to graph
  • "x_column" = (string) dataframe numeric column name you wish to graph on the horizontal axis
  • "y_column" = (string) or (list) of strings with the name of the dataframe numeric column name you wish to graph on the vertical axis

Optional Keyword Arguments

  • "title" = (string) The title at the top of the chart. title can contain some html tags like 
    • <b></b><i></i> and <br> # Please note: not all html tags are supported.
  • "width" = Horizontal size (in px). Defaults to 800. Cannot be less than 400
  • "height" = Vertical size (in px) . Defaults to 400. Cannot be less than 300
  • "xlabel" = the text to appear with the horizontal axis
  • "ylabel" = the text to appear with the vertical axis
  • "size_column" = the numerical column that will indicate the size of the scatter plot bubble. If the size_column contains negative values then the bubbles will color green and red for positive and negative.
  • "size_multiplier" = numeric multiplier to change the size of the bubble.
    • 💡 Important note, use the size_multiplier to set different sizes of the bubbles. Often the bubbles will be too small or fill the whole chart space. The size_multiplier can be used to correct this problem. 

Example ScatterPlot

import liberator #CloudQuant Data Liberator
import pandas as pd #Pandas data frames
from liberator import charting #cloudquant charting
dataset_name = 'reddit_wallstreetbets_comments'
#get the last known values for WSB
df = liberator.get_dataframe(liberator.query(name = dataset_name))
df = df.loc[df['vader_body_sentiment_compound'] > 0]
# sort the dataframe
df = df.sort_values(by = ['vader_body_sentiment_compound'], ascending=[False])
#plot the scatter plot
fig = charting.ScatterPlot(df=df[0:200], x_column = "textblob_body_sentiment_subjectivity",  y_column = ['vader_body_sentiment_neu'],
                title="WS Bets Sentiment" ,size_multiplier = .15, width = 800, height = 800   )




addNotes(thefig, notes)

addNotes will add a callout to the chart that allows you to highlight 1:N interesting points on the chart



required arguments:

  • thefig: a figure that has been returned by one of the CloudQuant Charting functions.
  • notes: an list of dictionary items that contain the following:




example addNotes

# Import CloudQuant Data Liberator™ and query market data and then display the market data in a 
# Candlestick chart using cloudquantcharting 
import liberator #CloudQuant Data Liberator
import pandas as pd #Pandas data frames
from liberator import charting #cloudquant charting
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
back_to = ( + timedelta(days=-2) ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59') #get the start date for N days ago
symbol = "AAPL"
# query liberator to get the market data for our symbol for the last N days
res = liberator.query(name="minute_bars", symbols=symbol, back_to=back_to) 
# convert the results to a dataframe
df_bars = liberator.get_dataframe(res)
# chart the market data
fig = charting.Candlestick(df=df_bars, title=symbol)

mydata = []
data = {'x':df_bars.timestamp[7],'y'[7], 'note':"T1"}

data = {'x':df_bars.timestamp[155],'y'[155], 'note':"T2"}

data = {'x':df_bars.timestamp[1000],'y'[1000], 'note':"T3"}

fig = charting.addNotes(fig, mydata)
