JavaScript: Using the NodeJS Liberator Module


Simply build a JSON object with the same keys as in the parameters table above and execute the query method. Unlike Python, the query method in NodeJS returns a promise so be sure to catch it.

const liberator = require('liberator_module').liberator; //import liberator package in the liberator_module directory

//Add user/token credentials to this data object. You get these from CloudQuant
// Either create your own json file or simply replace the below json fields with strings
let credentials = {
    user:    JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('liberator.json')).user,
    token:   JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('liberator.json')).token,

//append credentials to query default so you dont hae to send them every time
liberator.set_default("query", credentials);

let params =  {
    as_of:  “2021-01-12 23:59:59”
    back_to: “2021-01-12 00:00:00”
    symbols: "AAPL",            //ticker symbol
    name:    "daily_bars",   // Dataset name

//Example on how to query any dataset
liberator.query(params).then(function(results) {
 … your code 


The datasets method returns a promise with a JSON Object of all the available datasets. Be sure to replace the dataset name in these examples with one for which you have been permissioned.

let dataset_params = {
    schema: false,
    details: true

//Example on how to query human readable data on all available datasets
liberator.datasets(dataset_params).then(function(results) {
    … Your Code