Python Listing Datasets: liberator.datasets()

Data Dictionary Listing

Listing All Datasets

import liberator


res = liberator.datasets()


The liberator.datasets() call will return a dictionary object with all the datasets available. The above code prints out a return similar to the following.

{ 'Intraday': ['SSR_Forward_DSI', 'Halt_Production_DSI', 'SSR_Production_DSI', 
'News', 'Twitter', 'Stocktwits', 'Halt_Forward_DSI'],
'Monthly': ['Joblink Ticker Mapping', 'VerticalKnowledge Indeed'], 'Tesseract',

'Market Data': [ 'daily_bars', 'minute_bars', 'nbbo', 'trades', 'daily_bars_adjusted’]}


Listing Permissioned Datasets

import liberator


liberator.datasets(entitled = True)

By simply passing ‘entitled = True’ to the datasets call you will get a list of only the datasets to which you are entitled.

Information about Datasets

import liberator


liberator.datasets(schema = True)

By simply passing ‘schema = True’ to the datasets call you will get a list of only the datasets with their corresponding descriptions and metadata.

Information about Dataset Columns

import liberator


liberator.datasets(schema = True, details = True)

By simply passing ‘details = True’ to the datasets call you will get a list of only the datasets with their corresponding columns, column descriptions, and column metadata.