C#: Get DataFrame from Liberator

public DataFrame get_dataframe(dynamic res);

The “get_dataframe” function will return a Microsoft DataFrame. Running a query returns a reference to a “Func<IEnumerable<dynamic>>” generator function which is taken in as a parameter.  Internally, the generator produces Arrow Record Batches and compiles them into a DataFrame.

Example Get DataFrame

var res = liberator.query(new Dictionary<string, dynamic>() {
                    {"name","daily_bars" },
                    {"as_of","2021-04-10" },
                    { "back_to","2021-03-10"},
                    { “symbols","ES"}

var df=liberator.get_dataframe(res);
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff") + " " + DataFrameUtils.PrettyPrint(df));