Mariner Backtesting - Realized Profit and Loss


account[symbol].realized_pl Overview:

calculates the profit loss for finalized trades for the specified symbol.


Sample - Access data attribute

Name Type Information
entry_pl float Profit or Loss for matched trades by entry price for symbol.
matched_trades list[MatchedTrade] List of MatchedTrade objects. The details of each matched trade are encapsulated inside the list items. See below.
mtm_pl float Profit or Loss for matched trades by mtm price for symbol. For trades held overnight, the mtm_price is the mark from the clearing firm. On intra-day trades, mtm_price and entry_price will match.

MatchedTrade object - tuple

Name Type Information
entry_execution Execution Link to the entry Execution object (see below).
entry_pl float Profit or Loss for matched trades by entry price for symbol.
exit_execution Execution Link to the exit Execution object (see below).
matched_shares integer Shares matched on entry/exit orders (may or may not match either entry or exit fill quantity)
mtm_pl float Profit or Loss for matched trades by mtm price for symbol. For trades held overnight, the mtm_price is the mark from the clearing firm. On intra-day trades, mtm_price and entry_price will match.

Execution object - tuple (pertains to both entry_execution and exit_execution)

Name Type Information
clordid string Client Order Id in FIX. Is generated when the order is sent. Will be the same on executions.
collect None is a json dictionary of information collected at the time of the order.
instruction_id string Unique GUID for the instance of the script that generated the initial order. Will be None if the initial order wasn't started from same machine (e.g. from trading client)
order_id None Unique GUID of order being filled (very similar clordid). Will be None if the initial order wasn't started from same machine (e.g. from trading client)
price float Execution price
script_id string GUID of the script. Will be None if the initial order wasn't started from same machine (e.g. from trading client)
shares integer Shares executed on the trade. Always positive number, whether buy or sell execution
side integer Side of the trade
  • buy = 1
  • sell = 2
  • shortsell = 5
symbol string Symbol of trade
time muts Timestamp of trade
user_key string user_key set on the order. Can be used to identify trades that go together (pairs/batch/strategy). account object can be filtered on user_key
  • Works like a dictionary filtering on the account object.
  • mtm_price and entry_price will match on intra-day trades.
Working Example:

Backtest for SPY on 2/16/16 from 9:31-9:32.

 from cloudquant.interfaces import Strategy

class UnrealizedPLExample(Strategy):
    def is_symbol_qualified(cls, symbol, md, service, account):
        return symbol == 'TQQQ'

    def on_start(self, md, order, service, account):

        # two marketable buy orders
        order.algo_buy(self.symbol, "market", intent="init", order_quantity=100)

    def on_minute_bar(self, event, md, order, service, account, bar):

        if event.timestamp > service.time(9, 31) and event.timestamp < service.time(9, 32):
            print '\n\n.............................\non_minute_bar\n\t%s\n' % service.time_to_string(event.timestamp,
            print('\nShares currently held in ' + self.symbol + ':\t' + str(account[self.symbol].position.shares))
            print account[self.symbol].unrealized_pl
            order.algo_sell(self.symbol, "market", intent="none", order_quantity=100, allow_multiple_pending=True)

        elif event.timestamp > service.time(9, 32):
            print '\n\n.............................\non_minute_bar\n\t%s\n' % service.time_to_string(event.timestamp,
            print 'account'
            print account

            print account[self.symbol].unrealized_pl

            print '\n\naccount[self.symbol].unrealized_pl.entry_pl  -   %s' % account[
            print 'account[self.symbol].unrealized_pl.mtm_pl  -   %s' % account[self.symbol].unrealized_pl.mtm_pl




Shares currently held in TQQQ:  100

        entry_pl        :           9.00
        mtm_pl          :           9.00


account_id:                                 0
entry_pl:                                1.00
mtm_pl:                                  1.00
buying_power:                            None
open_capital_long:                       0.00
open_capital_short:                      0.00
pending_capital_long:                    0.00
pending_capital_short:              -12776.00
max_capital_used:                    12775.00
max_capital_used_timestamp:  1481553005000001
open_symbols:                []
pending_symbols:             []
    Execution count     :              2
    realized_pl         :
        entry_pl        :           0.00
        mtm_pl          :           0.00
        matched_trades  :              0
    unrealized_pl       :
        entry_pl        :           0.00
        mtm_pl          :           0.00
    position            :
        shares          :              0
        entry_price     :           0.00
        mtm_price       :           0.00
        capital_long    :           0.00
        capital_short   :           0.00
    pending             :
        count_long      :              0
        shares_long     :              0
        capital_long    :           0.00
        count_short     :              0
        shares_short    :              0
        capital_short   :           0.00

        entry_pl        :           0.00
        mtm_pl          :           0.00

account[self.symbol].unrealized_pl.entry_pl  -   0.0
account[self.symbol].unrealized_pl.mtm_pl  -   0.0