Mariner Backtesting - Stocktwits Example

Stocktwits Sentiment Data - Event Stream Example

In the public scripts under Sentiment, you will find a script for accessing the Stocktwits sentiment data.

Stocktwits data is available from 2010-01-01.

Historic Data Query

To read sentiment data that came before your script started you will need to use the code in the on_start function.

Event Data

To receive the events "as they occur" you need to take two steps.

1) Register to the StockTwits event stream..

    def register_event_streams(cls, md, service, account):
        return {'!sentiment/stocktwits': 'on_stocktwits'}

2) Receive callbacks throughout the day on the following...

 def on_stocktwits(self, event, md, order, service, account):

Example of a complete Stocktwits Event:

    'sector': 'Technology', 
    'user_id': 181317, 
    'exchange': 'NASDAQ', 
    'timestamp': '2017-06-19 09:30:03', 
    'industry': 'Personal Computers', 
    'sentiment_score': 0.5571, 
    'company_name': 'Apple Inc.', 
    'message_id': 86293581

Stocktwits are a financially-themed social media platform, and the stocktwit sentiment scores stem directly from this platform.

It will tend to have a much higher volume of comments and sentiment updates, but with a smaller impact than more traditional news articles.

'sentiment_score' = -1.0 to +1.0 (-1 worst score, +1 best score)