Mariner Backtesting - Client

CQLib (aka Library / TATH API) Overview: The Client Library

The Client Library allows you to access CloudQuant without using the Web User Interface.

You can submit your backtests, retreive your results/trades and upload/download files algorithmically.

You will need to obtain a private 'token' from support so that you can access your account.

You will need to have Python installed on your local machine (Note for internal users, if you install Python using Anaconda be sure to install for single user not all users).

You can then install the Client package...

 conda install -c cloudquant

Alternatively you could use CQ.AI which is our internal Jupyter Lab environment, it has Client in its default 'environment'.

An example of some typical Client code would be...

 from cloudquant.client import Client
token = 'your token'
client = Client(master='', token=token)
file = 'location_to_file/file.txt'
Workbench Access

You may also find access to the Workbench useful. It is a mirror of the file environment for select users. You will to be set up with a login and password krworkbench01.

You will then use SSH (try Putty for Windows) to access your account and reset your password to something private.

You can then log into your account folders and access your files directly.

In addition you can use use an app like WinSCP to easily drag and drop files to and from your account.

Contact support for more information.





