Generating a Report
You can generate reports by passing in a list of submission hashes and report template filenames to client.report_generate(submissions, templates). To get a list of all existing submissions, use client.submission_list().
client.report_generate(['SUBMISSION_HASH'], ['cq_summary_report_v2-5.ipynb'])
This will provide you with a report hash you can use to access the report.
Downloading a ReportYou can download a report as a zip file by passing a report hash to, output_dir='.'). By default, the report will be saved in the current directory. The extracted folder will contain an HTML document displaying the relevant report information.
Managing Reports- client.reports(): Return a dictionary of all reports and the submissions they contain
- client.report_templates(): Return a dictionary of report template names with descriptions
- client.report_template_download(name): Return a dictionary of the report template's name with its description, requirements, and body (aka script)
- client.report_template_upload(path): Upload the report given by path with optional arguments description, title, and requirements