Mariner Backtesting - TA-LIB talib_table()

(method) Overview:

talib_table() generates an HTML table to display the various inputs and outputs of a TA Lib function.

def talib_table(title, numOutput, kwargs):
    def isFloat(val):
            v = float(val)
            return False
        return True

    fullText = ''

    fullText += '<table class="talib" style="width:100%">\n'

    l = 0
    numArgs = 0
    for arg in kwargs:
        l = len(kwargs[arg])
        numArgs += 1

    fullText += '  <tr>\n'
    fullText += '      <th colspan="%d">%s</th>\n' % (l, title)
    fullText += '  </tr>\n'

    fullText += '  <tr>\n'
    fullText += '      <th></tj>\n'
    fullText += '      <th colspan="%d">%s</th>\n' % (numArgs - numOutput - 1, 'Input')
    fullText += '      <th colspan="%d">%s</th>\n' % (numOutput, 'Output')
    fullText += '  </tr>\n'

    fullText += '  <tr>\n'
    for arg in kwargs:
        fullText += '      <th>' + arg + '</th>\n'
    fullText += '  </tr>\n'

    i = 0

    while i < l:
        fullText += '  <tr>\n'

        for arg in kwargs:
            val = kwargs[arg][i]
            if (isFloat(val)):
                fullText += '    <td align="right">%.2f</td>\n' % val
                fullText += '    <td align="right">%s</td>\n' % val
        i += 1
        fullText += '  </tr>\n'
    fullText += '</table>\n'

    return fullText
Name Type Default Information
title string Required Title for the table
numOutput int Required The number of 'output' values passed in from kwargs
kwargs OrderedDict Required Date, input, and output data
Type Notes
string An HTML table representation of the TA Lib input/output data
Working Example:

View output of a TA Lib function.