CloudQuant Mariner - CloudQuant UI

Release Notes

CQ UI Release Notes 2018-04-04 2018-03-19
  • Submission Results - Portfolio Tab heat map added (see forum)
  • Backtest homepage launch (see forum)
  • Fund My Strategy update
  • Added Indexes to submission results table (see forum)
  • Added more statistics to submission table on results page (see forum)
  • Added abiltiy to view User Files in table (see forum)
2017-10-23 2017-09-26
  • Added Chart and Scorecard to Results page (see forum)
  • Added two new tabs to the snapshot log: Notifications and Simulator
  • Yesterday afternoon and this morning we have pushed out some changes that should speed up server response times and make the CQ app itself perform a bit better. Please refresh you browsers and report any new issues you may see.
  • We took everyone's feedback into account and cleaned up the left panel styling for docs, scripts and submissions. All 3 should now appear the same.
  • Fixed an issue where a Submission Snapshot Log tab would be empty
  • Added ability to expand/collapse the new submission list by script name
  • Fixed an intermittent issue with viewing documentation
  • Documentation is working. We have updated the docs so that browser back/forward buttons work within the docs.

  • Also fixed an issue with the backtest snapshot Rejected Orders Table not displaying data properly.

  • Your list of submissions is now in the left panel (where the form used to be). Submissions are currently organized by script but soon you will have the option of sorting/filtering a few different ways. This list should also help with the reload issue we had in the old dropdown.
  • The backtest submission form is now in a dialog. You can get to this by clicking the "New Test" button in the top right of your screen or by hitting ctrl-b. This form can be opened and submitted from any page.
  • There was an issue with logging into the forums caused by our changing domain names. This has been resolved.
  • if you were seeing issues with backtest results not loading it has been resolved
  • We have pushed code that changes how docs look and feel. Ideally docs will load quicker and you can bookmark/reference docs using the URL
  • I have pushed out a very small change that will hopefully give a small performance boost to the CQ website. There may be more small changes throughout the week with the intent of incrementally fixing the sluggish feel.
  • You will now see a loading icon when selecting a job from a backtest submission. Previously the loading icon would not always show. This will help to inform you when the job details tabs are ready to be used/viewed
  • You can now add default backtest parameters to a script. When you select this script on the backtest page, any parameters set for that script will be applied.
  • Some of you may have noticed missing data on the portfolio tab when viewing job details. There were some column name changes. PROD has been updated and you should now have data in every column.
  • Added ability to select year in backtest calendar widget
  • If you were experiencing slow/unresponsive issues with the Backtest tab I have added a limit to the Log tab for job snapshots. You should no longer have issues with the browser freezing up.

  • The Raw tab still shows you all the info.

  • That said, if you are logging 1000s of messages the Raw tab may be a bit slow to load but it should work.

  • NEW Feature: Specifying latency times
  • Many behind the scenes additions
  • Simpler Registration Form with auto-generate username
  • Requesting a Report is now a drop down (was button) that allows you to select multiple reports at once
  • discontiguous time intervals on backtest submissions
  • Portfolio tab added to job snapshot information

  • If you take note of the new arrow near the top of your scripts list you can now collapse the list to give you more room to view your script.

  • Fixed unnecessary error alert on backtests
  • Fixed issues with logging in and out with multiple accounts
  • Other small updates
  • Small update to CQ website. Fixed issue with text overlapping on the rejected tab
  • You should now be able to select both reports when submitting a backtest. Although, if requesting a backtest after submitting the report you will not be able to get both. This will be a new feature coming soon.
  • Lots of new stuff centered around new users.
  • Fixed issue with cloning a script deleting the original.
  • On the Scripts details page filename is no longer a field.
  • When creating/editing a script Display Name is the only field you need to set/edit. The "." notation for organizing scripts is still in place.

  • Fixed an intermittent issue with creating a new script. (invalid filename error)

  • Fixed issue with browser remembering if you are logged in.

  • Fixed issue with certain backtest submission names creating an error when trying to download trades/reports
  • Fixed issue with Buying Power sometimes being null
  • New feature: Buying Power option for a submission
  • Small updates to Hackathon tab (teams etc.)
  • Small updates to Marketing pages
  • Another (big) improvement to performance regarding the Hackathon tab. REFRESH is required.
  • Added "Rejected" tab to backtest job snapshot
  • Fixed issues with My/Public Scripts buttons on Scripts page
  • Fixed some styling issues on Backtest page
  • Fixed timestamp issue for Trades tab on Backtest (will go into effect after @jgabitzsch updates server)
  • Added rejected_order info to the raw tab when viewing job snapshot info

  • Coming later today or first thing Monday: a rejected_orders tab with useful details

  • Fixed times on Backtest Job Snapshot Positions tab


Several smaller user experience bugs have been fixed. - CloudQuant Marketing pages have been added --> This means when you go to the site you will first see a marketing landing page. To avoid this you should bookmark:

  • Coming Soon: will become
  • Fixed several issues with scripts and the new "." notation
  • You can now open and close the script folders created by using the "." notation feature released yesterday.
  • You can now nest scripts by using a "." in the script name.
  • When you run a backtest with "Profiling Enabled" we now append "(Profile)" to the name of your submission so that you have a visual indication of which submissions profiling was enabled for.
  • Only visible change is we have fixed the issue with backtest submission table wrapping on small widths. It will now scroll left and right
2016-11-15 13:22
  • Download trades as .zip
  • Run multiday jobs
  • Fixed console formatting issue
  • Updated default script template
  • Any settings you make should now persist indefinitely
  • Added an "Advanced Settings" option where you can turn on/off certain editor features

Backtest Job Snapshot Updates:

  • Fixed issue with format of error stacktrace in the console tab
  • Fixed issue where a certain type of message would not display in console
  • Removed Notifications from the Log tab (there is nothing ever written here)
  • Added Debug to the Log tab
  • Added search filter to the Log tab. This filter effects Alert, Info and Debug at the same time
  • You now have a search field in a backtest job snapshot for the Trades, Positions and Console tabs. This search field is bound to all the tabs so that your filter stays the same no matter which tab you view.
  • On the backtest submission table Job Time sorting was broken. This has been fixed.
  • Status and Progress column sorting is (has been) broken so I removed the sort ability for those columns. I will revisit sorting these columns.
  • Fixed issues when viewing trade and position details tables
    • Sort arrows are cleaner and should no longer wrap
    • Trades "Shares" column sorts properly
    • Positions "Side" column no longer blank
  • Fixed issue with trade times for a job being the same.
  • Added formatting to backtest submission totals
  • You now have the ability to generate a report after a backtest submission completes (if you did not request a report to begin with). The "Download Report" button now has multiple states to facilitate this feature (see attached images)
  • All trade times should be displayed in ET
  • Added totals to backtesting
  • If this icon appears next to a failed job when backtesting you can hover your mouse over the icon to get more info about the failure.
  • Fixed issue with job time for queued jobs
  • New FavIcon for Browser Tabs
  • Backtest submission and job times are now all consistant; no more mixing local time and UTC

CodeMirror Updates: - Matching Brackets: matching brackets to be highlighted whenever the cursor is next to them - Auto-close Brackets: auto-close () [] {} '' "" (this works as new code or to wrap existing highlighted code)

Friday, September 30, 2016 at 9:29 AM
  • Updated Styling, layout and menu/tab titles
  • Scripts Editor settings can be handled by clicking the gears icon (previously was a select dropdown)
Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at 1:05:29 PM
  • The theme you choose for your editor will now be remembered. (requires cookies)
  • Autocomplete is available when editing scripts. ctrl-space will activate this ability within the scripts editor. (screenshot)
  • SublimeText keymapping is now available. This adds the ability to comment lines/blocks of code in the script editor as well as all other keymaps defined in this link:
Friday, September 23, 2016 at 3:39:48 PM
  • You now have the ability to choose an editor theme. Next to the editor Save/Clone/Delete buttons is a dropdown that allows you to choose from 12 different themes. (Note: there seems to be some odd highlighting in some of the themes). A future release will make your theme selection persist.
  • You now have the ability to search your scripts. (Documentation:
Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 10:33:50 AM
  • Added ability for the user to update their account details including: username, email, first name, last name, password, trading experience level and programming experience level.
  • Added "forgot password" flow, which allows the user to enter either their username or email and have an email sent to the email registered with their account. This email has a link with a reset token that takes the user to a reset password page. Once they have entered their new password, they are taken to the login page, where they can log in with their new password. Currently, this reset token expires after 24 hours, after which they will need to request a new one.
  • Change behavior of the Job Snapshot console to allow the user to select the output text with Ctrl-a/Ctrl-c/Ctrl-v.
  • Removed the "Data Files" tab from the Scripts page.
  • Quick Ref doc caching get cleared on each call in QA and Dev environments.
  • Queue/Cluster size indicators are now implemented on the Backtests tab.
Friday, September 2, 2016 at 10:00:07 AM
  • Removed "Script Ref" button from Script page
  • Moved "Save" button to first
  • Added "Clone Scrip" button, second in order
  • Moved "Delete" button to last
  • Removed CLOUDQUANT TOOLS link from header
  • Added CLOUDQUANT FORUMS link to header
  • Removed QUICK REF link from header
  • Added QUICK REF link to blue tab header
  • Moved TradeSim Version input to right side of tab header
Monday, August 29, 2016 at 5:59 PM
  • New basic search functionality in Quick Ref docs.
  • Removed "forgot password" link. (Will be re-enabled soon ... when it works)
  • New updated "Terms of Service" document
Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 12:19 PM
  • Collapsable treeview in Quick Ref left nav.
  • Auto expand page tree when coming from external link.
  • Auto expand page tree when coming from internal link.
  • Treeview expands and contracts with arrow key navigation.
  • Arrow key navigation loops at end and begin for both pages and tabs.
  • A fix for external links not routing correctly in Quick Ref.
Monday, August 8, 2016 at 1:14 PM
  • Fix for a bug preventing new users from registering.
Monday, August 8, 2016 at 13:13:00 PM
  • A new release of CloudQuant with a fix for this is being deployed to QA/tathauthqa and Production/ with a fix for a bug preventing new users from registering.
Friday, August 5, 2016 at 5:28:45 PM**

This release includes:

  • Fix for command-s / control-s save duplicate of a script.
  • Updated script editor code coloring to match Jupyter Notebooks default styling, with a slight adjustment.
  • Very basic auto complete in script editor.
Friday, August 5, 2016 at 12:41:00 PM

This release includes:

  • Fixed horizontal scrolling on scripts with long lines
  • Added command S and control S keyboard strokes for saving scripts
  • Fixed markdown parsing problem with python variables containing underscores
  • Removed Browse tab form QuickRef
  • Fixed configuration in codemirror to change tabs for 2 spaces to 4 spaces
  • Fixed scripts created in New Einstein were showing changed when loaded in CQ ui with making any edits.
Monday, August 1, 2016 at 5:34:33 PM

This release includes:

  • Tightened up table rows in submission table and jod detail tables
  • Corrected header styling issues is Firefox
  • Fixed next previous bar overlap issue
  • Fixed Batch update overlay issue
  • Fixed reports not downloading
Friday, July 29, 2016 at 2:10:32 PM

This release includes:

  • Several bug fixes (related to connection errors)
  • New functionality to allow tables within the job details section to be scrollable.
  • A few styling adjustments.

Please note that if you are currently logged this may momentarily cause "Could not fetch.. / No details available" errors to display. If so, please refresh you browser.

Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 4:40:52 PM

This release includes:

  • The ability to clone scripts for both public and private scripts. Please note that when cloning a private script you'll be required the give it a new filename. Also, on public scripts, all data file and script dependencies will be remove.
  • Fixed broken urls that contain "/tath" in the path. These url will route the to page with or without the "/tath".
  • A few bug fixes on links in the header.
  • Changes to the progress bar on submission table in backtests
  • Fixes for News Updates and Submission dropdown binding
  • Fixes for Batch updates height
  • Fixes for a few table issues
  • Fixes for script dependency removal warning
Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 4:42:12 PM

This includes:

  • Ability to add links to QuickRef docs within the page content markdown.
  • New status update and status submission list endpoint calls and parsing.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 4:32:05 PM
  • An update to CQ Production has been deployed with a fix for the block to submission data updating.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 9:54:59 AM

This release includes:

  • Fix for how script params get passed with a backtest submission. A user no longer has to access params through "strategy_params['## params']" they only need to use "strategy_params" without the '## params'. This change will break existing scripts that referenced "strategy_params['## params']". Please make the necessary updates to your scripts.
  • Casing change to the left nav of Quick Ref doc_groups as well as h1, h2 and h3 tags within markdown content
Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 5:03:56 PM

This release includes what was released to QA earlier with some updates to styling of job detail tabs:

  • Ability for the user to request profiling on their backtest submissions.
  • The Profile tab for each job now gets additional line profile data if the user requested it.
  • Some styling fixes to the backtest submission form.
  • some styling fixes to tab styling to make better use of available space.

Again, please note that if profiling is request the jobs take significantly longer to complete. As a result the profiling checkbox will auto deselect after each submission.

Friday, July 1, 2016 at 5:14:02 PM
  • This release includes new pages parsing strategy, updated fonts, text styling and button styling in the Quick Refsection.
  • This also includes some general styling updates throughout the app.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 4:37:58 PM
  • This release includes deep linking / links that can be shared in the Quick Refsection.
  • These links are now tied to the doc version.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 10:51:11 AM
  • This includes new feature updates to allow users, in Backtests, to select report templates to be requested at the time they submit a batch, and then download those reports when all the jobs are completed.