Mariner Backtesting - Sector

GUIDs for common Sectors

The most common use for these lists is to narrow your universe of symbols in is_symbol_qualified.

See the example code below for returning only those symbols that qualified for the GUID listed and were also between $2 and $500 and over 100,000 average volume...

def is_symbol_qualified(cls, symbol, md, service, account):
    GUID = '8d57e928-1a4f-4c03-bae5-574ec8907d72'
    # This combination of service calls returns a 1 if the current symbol is in the specified list, a zero if it is not
    myList = service.symbol_list.in_list(service.symbol_list.get_handle(GUID),symbol)
    return mylist and md.stat.prev_close>2 and md.stat.prev_close<500 and md.stat.avol>100000
  • GUIDs are lowercase.
Basic Material 8d57e928-1a4f-4c03-bae5-574ec8907d72
Capital Equipment 5ecad242-a19b-47d7-8637-3d1e3b4f0440
Consumer Cyclical 5d61afc6-bfc4-41ae-bbad-53167a1cecc8
Consumer Staple 027e7005-8081-4d8d-b291-820ee12863c1
Energy eb00e6d2-e037-4f87-8f55-a1a439b267b0
Financial 1030bd52-50c3-4669-ae30-0a034e8408a7
Health Care e2cf6180-1932-4d6e-8dd4-8e0d744aa1b3
Retail a24710bd-14eb-4a87-aa0d-bd1fa4fff72f
Technology d18366ec-fa56-4517-8e47-3ada4475d0dd
Transportation e8434d5d-aab4-4d2c-91d5-06f2de0dcfad
Utility 27d09a87-460b-40e8-8c3e-19c9c6143823