Mariner Backtesting - News GUIDS

News and News Events in CloudQuant Mariner

Primary means it is the symbol the story relates to, secondary are other symbols that may be affected, often competitors or symbols in the same industry.

 GUID = '38bac7d0-3405-4cc9-a2df-926d5661429e'
    # This combination of service calls returns a 1 if the current symbol is in the specified list, a zero if it is not
    news = service.symbol_list.in_list(service.symbol_list.get_handle(GUID),symbol)
  • GUIDs are lowercase.
1 Hour, Primary Symbol 38bac7d0-3405-4cc9-a2df-926d5661429e
1 Hour, Secondary Symbols cd76bab7-5f8f-41f7-972b-7ef147e13a91
1 Hours, Related Symbols f756a741-8de9-415b-83c3-408439272056
12 Hour, Secondary Symbols 5d7bf4a5-d016-480c-bd3c-c850470f139a
12 Hours, Primary Symbol 9e7e633e-1005-4944-aa93-06efa58d73e0
12 Hours, Related Symbols 91780408-532e-4731-aa91-1c721fe79be9
15 Minutes, Primary Symbol 067f84fb-c7f2-4570-a83f-b90ae0adb23e
15 Minutes, Related Symbols d74adb7b-0d77-4920-b471-48d9778199d7
15 Minutes, Secondary Symbols cbffa48e-a627-459b-8dc0-8ced39f68af3
24 Hour, Secondary Symbols 952d33b9-d2e8-4a49-be28-e2b42975bb03
24 Hours, Primary Symbol 413bd802-b6e8-476f-8266-200b243f7243
24 Hours, Related Symbols 6f7da851-5bc2-4b58-b7d8-5701da7efe14