Reference (get) other symbols market data
- works on md
Reference SPY data, without qualifying it in is_symbol_qualified()
# Copyright Cloudquant, LLC. All right reserved.
from cloudquant.interfaces import Strategy
class MyStrategy(Strategy):
def is_symbol_qualified(cls, symbol, md, service, account):
return symbol == 'AMZN'
def backtesting_extra_symbols(cls, symbol, md, service, account):
# this loads spy's data.
# It will not be called, in on_start() for example, but you can access SPY information.
return symbol == 'SPY'
def on_start(self, md, order, service, account):
print(self.symbol + "\n---------- in on_start " + service.time_to_string(service.system_time))
# print information about the current symbol and SPY
for symb in [self.symbol, 'SPY']:
print '\n' + symb
# use md[symb] to get the market data for the specified symbol
print '\t', 'prev_close:', md[symb].stat.prev_close
print '\t', 'prev_avol:', md[symb].stat.avol
print '\t', 'prev_exchange:', md[symb]
print '\t', 'atr:', md[symb].stat.atr
AMZN ---------- in on_start 2016-09-07 09:30:00.000000 AMZN prev_close: 788.869995117 prev_avol: 1990781 prev_exchange: Q atr: 7.93349981308 SPY prev_close: 219.030807495 prev_avol: 69144813 prev_exchange: P atr: 1.4960000515