Mariner Backtesting -Exchange GUIDs

See example below for returning only those symbols that qualified for the GUID listed and were also between $2 and $500 and over 100,000 average volume...


def is_symbol_qualified(cls, symbol, md, service, account):
    GUID = 'ed87cac1-eefa-4b80-9208-8ebe24fdf902'
    # This combination of service calls returns a 1 if the current symbol is in the specified list, a zero if it is not
    myList = service.symbol_list.in_list(service.symbol_list.get_handle(GUID),symbol)
    return mylist and md.stat.prev_close>2 and md.stat.prev_close<500 and md.stat.avol>100000
  • GUIDs are lowercase.
AMEX Listed ed87cac1-eefa-4b80-9208-8ebe24fdf902
ARCA Listed 834da53d-e31c-4693-b97a-4e27479cf0b0
NASDAQ 18305bb4-9bf4-4032-835c-1c9e0dd203c3
NASDAQ Capital Market 98d1556d-6593-48f7-b405-dc272e5b8296
NASDAQ Global Market 702e4aef-aefa-4507-b610-97ae6f8b102b
NYSE Listed 84d0f39d-81ff-4989-867e-d63c1d438afc
NYSE/AMEX combined c3544f64-41f2-4744-bde6-dd742384c844