Mariner Backtesting - Packages and Libraries

Python Packages and libraries in Mariner Backtesting.

Available in CloudQuant Major Packages and Libraries
Package Name Google search link
bokeh Search for 'python bokeh'
cvxopt Search for 'python cvxopt'
cython Search for 'python cython'
ktgfunc Search for 'python ktgfunc'
lxml Search for 'python lxml'
mkl Search for 'python mkl'
numba Search for 'python numba'
numpy Search for 'python numpy'
pandas Search for 'python pandas'
patsy Search for 'python patsy'
portfolioopt Search for 'python portfolioopt'
scikit-learn Search for 'python scikit-learn'
scipy Search for 'python scipy'
statsmodels Search for 'python statsmodels'
ta-lib Search for 'python ta-lib'
All Packages and Libraries
Package Name Google search link
alabaster Search for 'python alabaster'
babel Search for 'python babel'
backports Search for 'python backports'
backports_abc Search for 'python backports_abc'
bkcharts Search for 'python bkcharts'
bokeh Search for 'python bokeh'
cairo Search for 'python cairo'
catalunya-data Search for 'python catalunya-data'
catalunya-tools Search for 'python catalunya-tools'
cloudquant Search for 'python cloudquant'
cvxopt Search for 'python cvxopt'
cycler Search for 'python cycler'
cython Search for 'python cython'
dateutil Search for 'python dateutil'
decorator Search for 'python decorator'
docutils Search for 'python docutils'
enum34 Search for 'python enum34'
fontconfig Search for 'python fontconfig'
freetype Search for 'python freetype'
funcsigs Search for 'python funcsigs'
functools32 Search for 'python functools32'
futures Search for 'python futures'
get_terminal_size Search for 'python get_terminal_size'
glib Search for 'python glib'
h5py Search for 'python h5py'
harfbuzz Search for 'python harfbuzz'
hdf5 Search for 'python hdf5'
imagesize Search for 'python imagesize'
ipython Search for 'python ipython'
ipython_genutils Search for 'python ipython_genutils'
jinja2 Search for 'python jinja2'
jsonschema Search for 'python jsonschema'
ktgfunc Search for 'python ktgfunc'
libffi Search for 'python libffi'
libgfortran Search for 'python libgfortran'
libiconv Search for 'python libiconv'
libpng Search for 'python libpng'
libxml2 Search for 'python libxml2'
libxslt Search for 'python libxslt'
line_profiler Search for 'python line_profiler'
llvmlite Search for 'python llvmlite'
lxml Search for 'python lxml'
markupsafe Search for 'python markupsafe'
matplotlib Search for 'python matplotlib'
mkl Search for 'python mkl'
networkx Search for 'python networkx'
numba Search for 'python numba'
numpy Search for 'python numpy'
openssl Search for 'python openssl'
pandas Search for 'python pandas'
pango Search for 'python pango' Search for 'python'
pathlib2 Search for 'python pathlib2'
patsy Search for 'python patsy'
pcre Search for 'python pcre'
pexpect Search for 'python pexpect'
pickleshare Search for 'python pickleshare'
pip Search for 'python pip'
pixman Search for 'python pixman'
portfolioopt Search for 'python portfolioopt'
prompt_toolkit Search for 'python prompt_toolkit'
psutil Search for 'python psutil'
ptyprocess Search for 'python ptyprocess'
pycairo Search for 'python pycairo'
pygments Search for 'python pygments'
pyparsing Search for 'python pyparsing'
pyqt Search for 'python pyqt'
python Search for 'python python'
python-dateutil Search for 'python python-dateutil'
pytz Search for 'python pytz'
pyyaml Search for 'python pyyaml'
qt Search for 'python qt'
readline Search for 'python readline'
requests Search for 'python requests'
scandir Search for 'python scandir'
scikit-learn Search for 'python scikit-learn'
scipy Search for 'python scipy'
setuptools Search for 'python setuptools'
simplegeneric Search for 'python simplegeneric'
simplejson Search for 'python simplejson'
singledispatch Search for 'python singledispatch'
sip Search for 'python sip'
six Search for 'python six'
snowballstemmer Search for 'python snowballstemmer'
sphinx Search for 'python sphinx'
sphinxcontrib Search for 'python sphinxcontrib'
sphinxcontrib-websupport Search for 'python sphinxcontrib-websupport'
sqlalchemy Search for 'python sqlalchemy'
sqlite Search for 'python sqlite'
ssl_match_hostname Search for 'python ssl_match_hostname'
statsmodels Search for 'python statsmodels'
ta-lib Search for 'python ta-lib'
tath_api Search for 'python tath_api'
tath_utils Search for 'python tath_utils'
tk Search for 'python tk'
toolz Search for 'python toolz'
tornado Search for 'python tornado'
tradesim Search for 'python tradesim'
tradesim_orders Search for 'python tradesim_orders'
traitlets Search for 'python traitlets'
typing Search for 'python typing'
tzlocal Search for 'python tzlocal'
wcwidth Search for 'python wcwidth'
wheel Search for 'python wheel'
yaml Search for 'python yaml'
zlib Search for 'python zlib'