Mariner Backtesting - SpiderRock Printsets

SpiderRock Options Print Set ID Alternative Data Set

Option Print Set records contain every option print along with quote, surface, and SR probability details at print time.

These records also contain T+1M and T+10M forward mark details.

These records are created for every print at the time of print and are published 10 minutes later when T + 10M forward marks are available.


CQAI Notebooks

CQAI Notebooks are available under CQAI > Tutorials > SpiderRock

Liberator Call
 symbols = ['SPY','AAPL'] # submit a list of one or more symbols or use None for all symbols
asof = '2020-01-09'
backto = '2020-01-08'
df = liberator.get_dataframe(liberator.query(symbols=symbols, as_of = asof, back_to = backto, name = 'spiderrock_printsets' ))

88 fields returned per data record

Field Name Description Data Type Comments
okey_ts Option ticker source enum 'None','SR','NMS','CME','ICE','CFE','CBOT','TD','NYMEX','COMEX','RUT',
okey_tk Option symbol varchar(12)  
okey_yr Option expiration year smallint(5) unsigned  
okey_mn Option expiration month tinyint(3) unsigned  
okey_dy Option expiration day tinyint(3) unsigned  
okey_xx Option strike double  
okey_cp Option call/put indicator enum ('Call','Put','Pair')
prtNumber Unique print set identifier bigint(20) will increment but not guaranteed to be sequential
ticker_ts Underlying ticker source enum 'None','SR','NMS','CME','ICE','CFE','CBOT','TD','NYMEX','COMEX','RUT','CBOE',
ticker_tk Underlying ticker varchar(12)  
prtExch Exchange on which print took place enum 'None','AMEX','BOX','CBOE','ISE','NYSE','PHLX','NSDQ','BATS','C2','NQBX',
prtSize Print size [contracts] int(11)  
prtPrice Print price float  
prtType Print type tinyint(3) unsigned  
prtOrders Number of participating orders smallint(5) unsigned  
prtClusterNum Incremental print cluster counter   one counter per okey; used to group prints into clusters
prtClusterSize Cumulative size of prints in this sequence int(11) prints @ same or more aggressive price with less than 25 ms elapsing since first print; can span exchanges
prtVolume Day print volume in contracts int(11) this exchange
cxlVolume Day print/cancel volume int(11) num of contracts printed and then cancelled
bidCount Number of bid prints smallint(5) unsigned  
askCount Number of ask prints smallint(5) unsigned  
bidVolume Bid print volume in contracts int(11)  
askVolume Ask print volume in contracts int(11)  
ebid Exchange bid (@ print time) float  
eask Exchange ask (@ print time) float  
ebsz Exchange bid size smallint(5) unsigned  
easz Exchange ask size smallint(5) unsigned  
eage Age of prevailing quote at time of print float  
prtSide Print Side: None; Mid; Bid; Ask enum ('None','Mid','Bid','Ask')
prtTimestamp Exchange high precision timestamp (if available) bigint(20)  
netTimestamp Inbound packet PTP timestamp from SR gateway switch bigint(20) usually syncronized with facility grandfather clock
timestamp YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss datetime  
oBid Option NBBO bid at the time the print was received float  
oAsk Option NBBO ask at the time the print was received float  
oBidSz Option NBBO cumulative bid size at the time the print was received int(11)  
oAskSz Option NBBO cumulative ask size at the time the print was received int(11)  
oBidEx First (or largest) option exchange on the bid enum ('None','AMEX','BOX','CBOE','ISE','NYSE','PHLX','NSDQ','BATS','C2','NQBX',
oAskEx First (or largest) option exchange on the ask enum ('None','AMEX','BOX','CBOE','ISE','NYSE','PHLX','NSDQ','BATS','C2','NQBX',
oBidExSz Option bid size of the largest exchange on the bid at the time the print was received int(11)  
oAskExSz Option ask size of the largest exchange on the ask at the time the print was received int(11)  
oBidCnt Number of exchanges on the NBBO bid tinyint(3) unsigned  
oAskCnt Number of exchanges on the NBBO ask tinyint(3) unsigned  
uPrc Underlier price double 44
rate Interest rate float  
sdiv Continuous stock dividend float  
ddiv Discrete stock dividend value float sum of dividends <= expiration
oBid2 Second level bid price float  
oAsk2 Second level ask price float  
oBidSz2 Cumulative size on the second level bid price int(11)  
oAskSz2 Cumulative size on the second level ask price int(11)  
uBid Underlier bid double  
uAsk Underlier ask double  
xDe xDelta float  
xAxis SR surface xAxis value float  
prtIv Print implied vol float  
prtDe Print delta float  
prtGa Print gamma float  
prtTh Print theta float  
prtVe Print vega float  
prtRo Print rho float  
calcErr Calc error flag varchar(24)  
surfVol SR surface volatility float  
surfOpx SR surface price float  
surfAtm SR surface ATM vol float  
prtProbability Probability that buying prtSize contracts @ prtPrice will have positive m10 pnl (prtPriceM10 >= prtPrice) [recorded at time of print] float -2 is missing quote probability, -3 is bad predicted result, -4 bid-ask spread < 0.000001
oBidM1 NBBO option bid 1 minute after print was received float  
oAskM1 NBBO option ask 1 minute after print was received float  
uBidM1 NBBO underlying bid 1 minute after print was received double  
uAskM1 NBBO underlying ask 1 minute after print was received double  
uPrcM1 Underlying price 1 minute after print was received double  
sVolM1 Suface volatility 1 minute after print was received float  
sOpxM1 Surface option price 1 minute after print was received float  
sDivM1 Continuous stock dividend 1 minute after print was received float  
sErrM1 Surface error condition (if any) 1 minute after print was received varchar(12)  
pnlM1 PnL after 1 minute float  
pnlM1Err Error condition for PnL calculated over the first 1 minute after the print was received enum ('None','Yes','No')
oBidM10 NBBO option bid 10 minutes after print was received float  
oAskM10 NBBO option ask 10 minutes after print was received float  
uBidM10 NBBO underlying bid 10 minutes after print was received double  
uAskM10 NBBO underlying ask 10 minutes after print was received double  
uPrcM10 Underlying price 10 minutes after print was received double  
sVolM10 Suface volatility 10 minutes after print was received float  
sOpxM10 Surface option price 10 minutes after print was received float  
sDivM10 Continuous stock dividend 10 minutes after print was received float  
sErrM10 Surface error condition (if any) 10 minutes after print was received varchar(12)  
pnlM10 PnL after 10 minutes float  
pnlM10Err Error condition for PnL calculated 10 minutes after the print was received enum ('None','Yes','No')