Mariner Backtesting - Liberator

Accessing Point-in-time data in Mariner

The Liberator library allows simplified access to alternative data sets of all different sizes and shapes.

As a user you simply supply the symbol(s) and dataset you are interested in and the as_of/back_to dates.

Liberator then does all the heavy lifting in the background and presents you with the results.

🔥🎵 One should only call liberator from Strategy.on_strategy_start()

Otherwise, you will likely create thousands of queries simultaneously accessing the Liberator data warehouse. Liberator has "denial of service" protections that will not allow this query pattern.


import liberator as b24
df = b24.get_dataframe(b24.query(symbols = ['AAPL'], as_of = '2020-01-25', back_to = '2020-01-20', name = 'DXOpen SF'))


 b24.query(symbols=None, as_of=None, back_to=None, stats=None, name=None)
symbols String of list of strings to query for, if None all symbols are queried
as_of Muts or date string in form "YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.ffffff". The date at which data should be assessed (what did we know at this time?)
back_to Muts or date string in form "YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.ffffff". The furthest back to look for data at
stats True/False see below
name The name of the dataset being queried

Query Returns

stats = True : query will return statistics about what the results of the query look like. Useful for large datasets to make sure you don't try to read a massive result into a dataframe.

stats = False : query will return a 'generator type', which can be either converted to a dataframe or iterated through (for very large datasets).

Convert query results to a Pandas Dataframe

 res = b24.query(symbols = ['AAPL'], as_of = '2020-01-25', back_to = '2020-01-20', name = 'DXOpen SF')

Iterate through query results

 res = b24.query(symbols = ['AAPL'], as_of = '2020-01-25', back_to = '2020-01-20', name = 'DXOpen SF')
for batch in res:

List of Datasets


Returns a list of all datasets


Liberator and Rosetta can be used in both CQ Mariner Backtester and CQ AI.

There are no restrictions on the dates and times you can request.

When submitting a query in the CQ Mariner backtesting environment please be careful not to access future data.

ie in backtesting the 'as_of' time should be the current timestamp or earlier (ie less than the current time stamp).

 from cloudquant.interfaces import Strategy
import liberator
import rosetta
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)

class LiberatorDemo(Strategy):

    def on_strategy_start(cls, md, service, account): 
        dataSet = 'ETFGlobal Constituents'
        asof = '2020-05-01'
        backto = '2020-05-01'
        symbols = ['DIA'] # submit a list or use None for all symbols
        df = liberator.get_dataframe(liberator.query(symbols = symbols, as_of = asof, back_to = backto, name = dataSet)) # Query and converstion to dataframe in one line! Nice Python!
        df['Date10'] = df.apply(lambda row: str(row.timestamp)[0:10], axis = 1) # Trim time off timestamp as it is midnight 00:00:00
        print(df[['Date10', 'weight','constituent_ticker','constituent_name']]) # Display just a few columns
 Date10            weight constituent_ticker                             constituent_name
0   2020-05-01  0.083510               AAPL                                    APPLE INC
1   2020-05-01  0.082193                UNH                       UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC
2   2020-05-01  0.063143                 HD                               HOME DEPOT INC
3   2020-05-01  0.052769                MCD                               MCDONALDS CORP
4   2020-05-01  0.051163                 GS                      GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC
5   2020-05-01  0.050721                  V                      VISA INC-CLASS A SHARES
6   2020-05-01  0.050432               MSFT                               MICROSOFT CORP
7   2020-05-01  0.042929                MMM                                        3M CO
8   2020-05-01  0.042840                JNJ                            JOHNSON & JOHNSON
9   2020-05-01  0.038530                 BA                                    BOEING CO
10  2020-05-01  0.035511                WMT                          WAL-MART STORES INC
11  2020-05-01  0.035207                IBM  International Business Machines Corporation
12  2020-05-01  0.033748                 PG                      PROCTER & GAMBLE CO/THE
13  2020-05-01  0.032032                CAT                              CATERPILLAR INC
14  2020-05-01  0.030478                DIS                           WALT DISNEY CO/THE
15  2020-05-01  0.027748                TRV                 The Travelers Companies Inc.
16  2020-05-01  0.026939                JPM                          JPMORGAN CHASE & CO
17  2020-05-01  0.025839                CVX                                 CHEVRON CORP
18  2020-05-01  0.025515                AXP                          AMERICAN EXPRESS CO
19  2020-05-01  0.024712                NKE                               NIKE INC -CL B
20  2020-05-01  0.022438                MRK                             MERCK & CO. INC.
21  2020-05-01  0.017486                RTX                   RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES CORP
22  2020-05-01  0.016603               INTC                                   INTEL CORP
23  2020-05-01  0.016418                 VZ                   VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC
24  2020-05-01  0.013173                 KO                             COCA-COLA CO/THE
25  2020-05-01  0.012463                XOM                             EXXON MOBIL CORP
26  2020-05-01  0.012035                WBA                 WALGREENS BOOTS ALLIANCE INC
27  2020-05-01  0.011821               CSCO                            CISCO SYSTEMS INC
28  2020-05-01  0.010874                PFE                                   PFIZER INC
29  2020-05-01  0.009802                DOW                                      DOW INC
30  2020-05-01  0.001288                                                       US DOLLAR
31  2020-05-01  0.000168                        UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORP WI COMMON STOCK