Mariner Backtesting - Morningstar Monthly Earnings As Originally Reported (AOR) & Earnings Restatements

Morningstar Data - Accessible through liberator


Morningstar Monthly Earnings Report/Ratios

The Monthly Earnings Reports contain information formally reported by each listed company to EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval.) This is a public database from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). EDGAR performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the SEC.

EGAR’s primary purpose is to increase the efficiency and fairness of the securities market by accelerating the receipt, acceptance, dissemination and analysis of time-sensitive corporate information filed with the SEC. A secondary purpose of EDGAR is to provide transparency in the marketplace by making documents that have been filed quickly available to investors over the Internet.

Certain filings must be submitted electronically through EDGAR.Such filings, which can be looked up in Regulation S-T, will not be accepted in paper format unless they satisfy the requirements for a temporary or continuing hardship exemption. Other filings may be submitted electronically on EDGAR or by paper, at the option of the filer.

Morningstar takes the EDGAR data and provides it in a standardized format as shown below.

Best Practices

The Morningstar data is updated daily, so there is no need to repeatedly query the data. Like most Liberator queries, it is best practice is to query the Morningstar earnings data at the start of each trading day. As the queries take a little time we suggest making the call in 'on_strategy_start', you can store a reduced set of the data in a class variable (cls.).

CloudQuant Liberator

CloudQuant provides the Liberator python module to query datasets that contain time-series data (also called temporal data.)

The following example shows how to query liberator to get the EDGAR corporate filing data from Morningstar for a timeseries.

import liberator as b24
# Query liberator to get the morningstar data

# print out the result nicely formatted
print(json.dumps(res, indent=4))    

# Put the results into a dataframe
df=b24.get_dataframe(res, pivot=True)

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How Far Back does the data go.

The data included by Morningstar goes back to at least January 1, 1980.

How do I get the restated earnings reports?

*   change the "morningstar_monthly_earning_reports_aor_config" to "morningstar_monthly_earning_reports_restate_config"

How do I get my results in a dataframe?

  • Basic Data Frame


  • Pivot Table Data Frame

df=b24.get_dataframe(res, pivot=True)

How do I convert muts to datetime?

for r in res:
    symbol = r['symbol']
    if r['return_code'] == 'OK': # if it isn't OK then we didn't find data for that symbol
        for r2 in r['return_data']:
            mutsDate = r2['muts']
            normalDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mutsDate/1000000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+'.%06d'%(t%1000000)
            print('"muts": {} which equals {}"'.format(r2['muts'], normalDate))

Results returned from Liberator Query

Field Description
symbol The CQ common exchange symbol for the security. (Over time, this is subject to change)
return_code Returns one of the following for the given symbol: ["OK", "NODAT", "NOMAP"]
cq_instrument_id The internal CQ identifier for the given security. This value remains the same even if the symbol changes.
source_key The Morningstar identifier for the given symbol. This value rarely changes
return_data An array of json data from the Morningstar report

Morningstar JSON

Field Description
muts Interger timestamp of the for the data.
fields The return data fields shown in the following table.


Field Field Name Description
20001 PeriodEndingDate The exact date that is given in the financial statements for each quarter’s end.
20002 FileDate Specific date on which a company released its filing to the public.
20003 AccessionNumber The accession number is a unique number that EDGAR assigns to each submission as the submission is received.
20004 FormType The type of filing of the report: for instance, 10-K (annual report) or 10-Q (quarterly report).
29000 BasicContinuousOperations Basic EPS from Continuing Operations is the earnings from continuing operations reported by the company divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding.
29001 BasicDiscontinuousOperations Basic EPS from Discontinued Operations is the earnings from discontinued operations reported by the company divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding. This only includes gain or loss from discontinued operations.
29002 BasicExtraordinary Basic EPS from the Extraordinary Gains/Losses is the earnings attributable to the gains or losses (during the reporting period) from extraordinary items divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding.
29003 BasicAccountingChange Basic EPS from the Cumulative Effect of Accounting Change is the earnings attributable to the accounting change (during the reporting period) divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding.
29004 BasicEPS Basic EPS is the bottom line net income divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding.
29005 DilutedContinuousOperations Diluted EPS from Continuing Operations is the earnings from continuing operations divided by the common shares outstanding adjusted for the assumed conversion of all potentially dilutive securities. Securities having a dilutive effect may include convertible debentures, warrants, options, and convertible preferred stock.
29006 DilutedDiscontinuousOperations Diluted EPS from Discontinued Operations is the earnings from discontinued operations divided by the common shares outstanding adjusted for the assumed conversion of all potentially dilutive securities. Securities having a dilutive effect may include convertible debentures, warrants, options, and convertible preferred stock. This only includes gain or loss from discontinued operations.
29007 DilutedExtraordinary Diluted EPS from Extraordinary Gain/Losses is the gain or loss from extraordinary items divided by the common shares outstanding adjusted for the assumed conversion of all potentially dilutive securities. Securities having a dilutive effect may include convertible debentures, warrants, options, and convertible preferred stock.
29008 DilutedAccountingChange Diluted EPS from Cumulative Effect Accounting Changes is the earnings from accounting changes (in the reporting period) divided by the common shares outstanding adjusted for the assumed conversion of all potentially dilutive securities. Securities having a dilutive effect may include convertible debentures, warrants, options, and convertible preferred stock.
29009 DilutedEPS Diluted EPS is the bottom line net income divided by the common shares outstanding adjusted for the assumed conversion of all potentially dilutive securities. Securities having a dilutive effect may include convertible debentures, warrants, options, and convertible preferred stock. This value will be derived when not reported for the fourth quarter and will be less than or equal to Basic EPS.
29010 BasicAverageShares The shares outstanding used to calculate Basic EPS, which is the weighted average common share outstanding through the whole accounting period. Note: If Basic Average Shares are not presented by the firm in the Income Statement, this data point will be null.
29011 DilutedAverageShares The shares outstanding used to calculate the diluted EPS, assuming the conversion of all convertible securities and the exercise of warrants or stock options. It is the weighted average diluted share outstanding through the whole accounting period. Note: If Diluted Average Shares are not presented by the firm in the Income Statement and Basic Average Shares are presented, Diluted Average Shares will equal Basic Average Shares. However, if neither value is presented by the firm, Diluted Average Shares will be null.
29012 DividendPerShare The amount of dividend that a stockholder will receive for each share of stock held. It can be calculated by taking the total amount of dividends paid and dividing it by the total shares outstanding. Dividend per share = total dividend payment/total number of outstanding shares
29013 BasicEPSOtherGainsLosses Basic EPS from the Other Gains/Losses is the earnings attributable to the other gains/losses (during the reporting period) divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding.
29014 ContinuingAndDiscontinuedBasicEPS Basic EPS from Continuing Operations plus Basic EPS from Discontinued Operations.
29015 TaxLossCarryforwardBasicEPS The earnings attributable to the tax loss carry forward (during the reporting period).
29016 DilutedEPSOtherGainsLosses The earnings from gains and losses (in the reporting period) divided by the common shares outstanding adjusted for the assumed conversion of all potentially dilutive securities. Securities having a dilutive effect may include convertible debentures, warrants, options, convertible preferred stock, etc.
29017 ContinuingAndDiscontinuedDilutedEPS Diluted EPS from Continuing Operations plus Diluted EPS from Discontinued Operations.
29018 TaxLossCarryforwardDilutedEPS The earnings from any tax loss carry forward (in the reporting period).
29019 NormalizedBasicEPS The basic normalized earnings per share. Normalized EPS removes onetime and unusual items from EPS, to provide investors with a more accurate measure of the company’s true earnings. Normalized Earnings / Basic Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.
29020 NormalizedDilutedEPS The diluted normalized earnings per share. Normalized EPS removes onetime and unusual items from EPS, to provide investors with a more accurate measure of the company’s true earnings. Normalized Earnings / Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.
29021 TotalDividendPerShare Total Dividend Per Share is cash dividends and special cash dividends paid per share over a certain period of time.

Fields for each return_data

In the results from Morningstar you will see multiple sub-fields. These are as follows:

Field Description
value The value as provided by the data vendor
as_of Ending date for financial reports.
period Time period the data is representing. Annual (12M in Financial Statements, 1Y for all other files), quarterly (3M), semi-annual (6M), or other due to a fiscal year change. For growth related ratio, Period represents comparison time period. It includes 3-month (3M), 1-year (1Y), 3-year (3Y), 5-year (5Y), 10-year (10-Y).
fiscal_year_end A numeric value from 1(January) to 12(December). Together with number of month and AsOfDate, it tells which quarter of the fiscal year.
currency_id The currency used in the report. This should correspond to the ISO Currency Code.
report_type Optional field. 4 options: TTM (trailing 12 months; available for Financial Statements, Earnings Reports, and Operation Ratios), P (Preliminary announcement), A (as originally reported), R (restated)
is_calculated Optional field. A flag (value "1") to indicate whether the data is calculated.

Example Liberator Query for MorningStar Monthly Earnings Reports - Link to Demo Code in Public Scripts

res=b24.query(['FB', 'TWTR'] ,  data_back_to=muts_from_dt2(dt.strptime('2018-06-01','%Y-%m-%d')), **morningstar_monthly_earning_reports_aor_config())
print(json.dumps(res, indent=4))    

**Returns from the Liberator (b24) query will be in an array of JSON.

The above referenced query returned the following results.

        "symbol": "FB", 
        "return_code": "OK", 
        "cq_instrument_id": 33, 
        "source_key": "0P0000W3KZ", 
        "return_data": [
                "muts": 1535848384985000, 
                "fields": {
                    "20001": [
                            "value": "2018-06-30", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "12M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "TTM", 
                            "is_calculated": "1"
                            "value": "2018-06-30", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2018-06-30", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2018-06-30", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2018-06-30", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                    "20002": [
                            "value": "2018-07-25", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2018-07-25", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2018-07-26", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2018-07-26", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                    "20003": [
                            "value": "0001326801-18-000053", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "0001326801-18-000053", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "0001326801-18-000057", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "0001326801-18-000057", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                    "20004": [
                            "value": "10-Q", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "10-Q", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "8-K", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "8-K", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                    "29000": [
                            "value": "1.760000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "1.760000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.480000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.480000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "6.570000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "12M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "TTM", 
                            "is_calculated": "1"
                    "29004": [
                            "value": "1.760000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "1.760000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.480000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.480000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "6.570000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "12M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "TTM", 
                            "is_calculated": "1"
                    "29005": [
                            "value": "1.740000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "1.740000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.430000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.430000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "6.460000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "12M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "TTM", 
                            "is_calculated": "1"
                    "29009": [
                            "value": "1.740000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "1.740000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.430000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.430000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "6.460000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "12M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "TTM", 
                            "is_calculated": "1"
                    "29010": [
                            "value": "2895000000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2895000000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2900000000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2900000000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2903500000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "12M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "TTM", 
                            "is_calculated": "1"
                    "29011": [
                            "value": "2930000000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2930000000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2939000000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2939000000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "2950500000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "12M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "TTM", 
                            "is_calculated": "1"
                    "29014": [
                            "value": "1.760000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "1.760000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.480000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.480000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "6.570000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "12M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "TTM", 
                            "is_calculated": "1"
                    "29017": [
                            "value": "1.740000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "1.740000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "3M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.430000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "A", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "3.430000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "6M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "P", 
                            "is_calculated": "0"
                            "value": "6.460000", 
                            "as_of": "2018-06-30", 
                            "period": "12M", 
                            "fiscal_year_end": "12", 
                            "currency_id": "USD", 
                            "report_type": "TTM", 
                            "is_calculated": "1"
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