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Mariner Backtesting - Quick User Guide

Welcome to CloudQuant Event Driven Backtesting

  • Cloudquant's backtester is an EVENT DRIVEN system.
  • Unlike a typical computer program, your code does not run from start to finish. Your strategy, your algo will receive callbacks from a master control system every time a specific event occurs.
  • You place your code in that event callback and make decisions based on that event and the data it passes your algo.
  • Some of these events are exclusive to CloudQuant ELITE users. You can decide to disable events that you do not use (this can help to speed up your code).
  • When your script is run, a unique version is instantiated for each symbol in our overall universe (as of early 2018 this is exclusively US Equities, over 8800 symbols).
  • One of the first callbacks is is_symbol_qualified, it is called once for every symbol in this overall universe.
  • If you return a True from is_symbol_qualified then the script will continue to run, if you return a False then it will be terminated for this current symbol.
  • Place your universe selection criteria into is_symbol_qualified. The smaller your universe of symbols, the faster your tests will run.
  • Don't use md.L1. data in is_symbol_qualified, Level 1 data is only available once the script starts.
  • You can use md.stat. data (static fundamental) data, such as md.stat.prev_close, md.stat.atr, md.stat.avol etc. See md.stat
  • You can also use lists in is_symbol_qualified to limit your universe.. See the documentation under Reference > ListsMariner Backtesting - Lists
CloudQuant Language Short Description
Symbol Varies depending on which Callback you are in
symbol use this in @classmethod callbacks ie is_symbol_qualified and backtesting_extra_symbols
self.symbol use this in instance method (aka SYMBOL method) callbacks, ie everywhere else
Event Callbacks SYMBOL level Callbacks from the master system
def on_start(self, md, order, service, account): called at the beginning of each instance
def on_finish(self, md, order, service, account) called when an instance is terminated
def on_timer(self, event, md, order, service, account):  ELITE ONLY called when a timer event is received
def on_minute_bar(self, event, md, order, service, account, bar) Callback every time a new minute bar is created for the symbol. Effectively it is called every minute before on_trade is called, or (if there has been no trading) 5 seconds after a new minute starts
def __init__(self):  initialization callback, use as def init(self, **params) if you wish to pass in external parameters, pass them in as a dictionary ie {"shares":100,"maxatr":2.5,"minrvol":2.0}
def on_trade(self, event, md, order, service, account) ELITE ONLY Called when time and sales message is received
def on_nbbo_price( self, event, md, order, service, account ) ELITE ONLY Called when national best bid offer (nbbo) prices change (not size)
def on_news(self, event, md, order, service, account) ELITE ONLY News callback, see also market data md.news section below
def on_arca_imbalance(self, event, md, order, service, account) ELITE ONLY Called when arca imbalance message is received (Open,Close,IPO,Halt)
def on_amer_imbalance(self, event, md, order, service, account) ELITE ONLY Called when an American imbalance message is received (Open,Close,IPO,Halt)
def on_nasdaq_imbalance(self, event, md, order, service, account) ELITE ONLY Called when nasdaq imbalance message is received (Open,Close,IPO,Halt)
def on_nyse_imbalance(self, event, md, order, service, account) ELITE ONLY Called when nyse/amex/nsye mkt/openbook message is received (Open,Close,IPO,Halt)
Order Handling Event Callbacks CQ ELITE ONLY SYMBOL level Order Handling Callbacks from the master system
def on_ack(self, event, md, order, service, account) ELITE ONLY Called when order considered pending by the system
def on_reject(self, event, md, order, service, account) ELITE ONLY Called when an order is rejected (locally or other parts of the order processes e.g. the market)
def on_fill(self, event, md, order, service, account) ELITE ONLY Called when the position changes in this account and symbol (whether manually or automated)
def on_cancel(self, event, md, order, service, account) ELITE ONLY Called when the market has confirmed an order has been canceled
def on_cancel_reject(self, event, md, order, service, account) ELITE ONLY Called whenever an order cancellation is rejected for any reason. A cancellation may be rejected if the order has already been filled, or if the exchange does not allow the cancellation.
@classmethod Event Callbacks CLASS level Callbacks from the master system
def on_strategy_start(cls, md, service, account) Should be preceded by @classmethod - Called when the strategy starts (aka before anything else)
def on_strategy_finish(cls, md, service, account) Should be preceded by @classmethod - Called when the strategy finish (aka after everything else has stopped)
def is_symbol_qualified(cls, symbol, md, service, account) Should be preceded by @classmethod - Called once for every symbol in our system, return a true if you want that symbol to run in the model
def backtesting_extra_symbols(cls, symbol, md, service, account) Should be preceded by @classmethod - Used to load other symbols data not in is_symbol_qualified(). Only used in backtesting
Time Time Functions!** 86400000000μs in a day, 3600000000μs in an hour, 60000000μs in a minute
service.time(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)  Create an Absolute Time used to compare with Timestamps, convert a human time to system time, you can submit service.time(15) or service.time(15,20) etc
service.time_interval(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)  Convert to milliseconds for time math. Convert to hours mins secs millisecs into 1 millisec number to use for time math ie current time plus an hour... eg service.time_interval(0,0,1,1) 1 second and 1 millisecond will return the integer 1001000
service.time_to_string(muts,format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")  Converts the internal machine integer value for time into Human readable DateTime ie event.timestamp or md.L1.timestamp into a string
service.time_to_string(md.L1.timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d') gets the value from md.L1.timestamp and strips out the date
service.time_to_string(event.timestamp)[-15:-3] gets the human readable date time from the event.timestamp (can be any timestamp) and pulls out the time
service.system_time  Returns the machine integer value for system time, the time in the backtest system, not the event time or the time of the market data which can be different
service.get_market_hours(date_offset=-1)  returns a tuple like (1455633000000000, 1455656400000000) so service.get_market_hours(date_offset=-2)[0] will give you the machine int for 2 trading days ago (First number is open datetime, second number is close datetime)
md.market_close_time  Try to use this rather than hard coding 16:00 as some trading days end earlier (ie 13:00 on half day trading)
md.market_open_time  As we increase the markets we trade in the market open time may vary, better to use this than hard coding the time.
md.market_close_time - service.time_interval(minutes=30)  30 minutes before the close
md.market_open_time + service.time_interval(hour=1)  1 hour after the open
Market Data md. commands are used to access Market Data, by default this is the current symbol but you can access other symbols, see below
md.L1.last Last price for the current symbol
md['SPY'].L1.last Last price for SPY (or any other symbol you specify) regardless of which symbol has been called
Market Data - STATIC Unchanging Market Data - for most of these you can use TA-LIB to create alternate timeframes
md.stat.atr  ATR - Average True Range (aka Average Trading Range), over 10 days based on an underlying 250 days of TR (True Range).
md.stat.avol  AVOL (21 day) - Average Volume over 21 days, or whatever smaller number of days is actually available.
md.stat.beta  Beta - Beta, computed over a 249 day time period (250 bars) by default, or as short as 20 days (21 bars) if more aren't available, or NaN if only fewer are available.
md.stat.dividend_amount  Dividend Amount - in dollars applied to the stock price
md.stat.dividend_comment  Dividend Comment - this may provide more details on the type of dividend.
md.stat.dividend_percent  Dividend Percent - ratio (dividend / prev_close)
md.stat.exchange  Primary Exchange N=NYSE, Q=Nasdaq, A=Amex, P=ARCA
md.stat.lot_size  Lot Size - Number of shares per lotfor this symbol (normally 100)
md.stat.prev_close  Previous Close - In backtesting this is the UNADJUSTED close price, for the adjusted close price use the bar data... md.bar.daily(start=-1).close[0] . In LIVE/FORWARD TESTING this variable is the ADJUSTED close, for the UNADJUSTED close in live you should use md.stat.unadjusted_prev_close
md.stat.unadjusted_prev_close Live and Forward Testing Only The unadjusted closing price from previous day
md.stat.split_ratio  Split Ratio - The ratio of the stock split that was applied to the price. Only available in Forward/Live not backtesting
md.stat.prev_symbol  The previous days symbol. If there was a symbol name change, you can see what it was prior. If the name is the same, then the prev_symbol will match the current.
Market Data md.L1. Level 1 Market Data
  L1 data is most useful (and sometimes ONLY available) in on_nbbo and on_trade which are CQ ELITE callbacks. If it is available in on_minute it will either be the latest value or, but if it is a 'minute' value it will probably be a 0 or nan having just been reset with the start of the new minute.
md.L1.abs_net_change_percent_atr  PC Net of ATR
md.L1.acc_volume  Accumulated Volume
md.L1.agr_ask_size  ELITE ONLY Sum of all ask participants in the SIP data. See md.L2 for live options
md.L1.agr_bid_size  ELITE ONLY Sum of all bid participants in the SIP data. See md.L2 for live options
md.L1.ask  Best Ask
md.L1.ask_change  Ask Change - Difference between previous and current ask. Positive for increase and negative for decrease. Originally simply the difference between the current and previous ask (i.e. 0 if no change) but now the difference between the current and previous different bid or ask (i.e. the value is carried forward and should never be zero)
md.L1.ask_exchange  Best Ask Exchange
md.L1.ask_size  Best Ask Size
md.L1.bid  Best Bid
md.L1.bid_change  Bid Change - Difference between previous and current bid. Positive for increase and negative for decrease. Originally simply the difference between the current and previous ask (i.e. 0 if no change) but now the difference between the current and previous different bid or ask (i.e. the value is carried forward and should never be zero)
md.L1.bid_exchange  Best Bid Exchange
md.L1.bid_size  Best Bid Size
md.L1.change_from_open  Change from Open
md.L1.close  Close Price - on day of trading, contains nan until close price is by the first print after at 16:00 regardless of the exchange
md.L1.closing_trade  Closing Trade Official End of Auction on Primary Exchange. The "6" print on the primary exchange - To locate the specific closing print at the time of the event, check for ("6" in md.L1.trade_condition and md.L1.exchange==md.stat.exchange) in on_trade.
md.L1.closing_trade_timestamp  Closing Time from the "6" print on the primary exchange. 0 until it is set.
md.L1.closing_trade_volume  Close Trade Volume from the "6" print on the primary exchange.
md.L1.core_acc_volume  Accumulated Volume During Market Hours
md.L1.daily_askvol  Daily Ask Volume
md.L1.daily_bidvol  Daily Bid Volume
md.L1.daily_count  Daily Count
md.L1.daily_high  Daily High
md.L1.daily_high_timestamp  Daily High Time
md.L1.daily_low  Daily Low
md.L1.daily_low_timestamp  Daily Low Time
md.L1.daily_spread  Daily Spread
md.L1.daily_vwap  Daily VWAP
md.L1.exchange  Last Trade Exchange
md.L1.gap  Open GAP
md.L1.halt_reason  Halt Reason - derived from quote data, only available in forward testing and live
md.L1.halt_time  Halt Time - derived from quote data, only available in forward testing and live
md.L1.is_halted  Is Halted - derived from quote data, only available in forward testing and live
md.L1.last  Last Trade
md.L1.last_in_range  LIR
md.L1.last_size  Last Trade Size
md.L1.lower_limit_price_band  Lower Limit Price Band (LULD)
md.L1.minute_askvol  Minute Ask Volume - Elite only - for use in on_trade ie intra minute, if checked in on_minute will be 0
md.L1.minute_bidvol  Minute Bid Volume - Elite only - for use in on_trade ie intra minute, if checked in on_minute will be 0
md.L1.minute_close  Minute Close - Elite only - for use in on_trade ie intra minute, if checked in on_minute will be nan
md.L1.minute_count  Minute Count - Elite only - for use in on_trade ie intra minute, if checked in on_minute will be 0
md.L1.minute_high  Minute High - Elite only - for use in on_trade ie intra minute, if checked in on_minute will be nan
md.L1.minute_low  Minute Low - Elite only - for use in on_trade ie intra minute, if checked in on_minute will be nan
md.L1.minute_open  Minute Open - Elite only - for use in on_trade ie intra minute, if checked in on_minute will be nan
md.L1.minute_spread  Minute Spread - Elite only - for use in on_trade ie intra minute, if checked in on_minute will be nan
md.L1.minute_start_timestamp  Timestamp of the start of the minute (not the first event in the minute) - update 2020/1/12
md.L1.minute_volume  Minute Volume - Elite only - for use in on_trade ie intra minute, if checked in on_minute will be 0
md.L1.minute_vwap  Minute VWAP - Elite only - for use in on_trade ie intra minute, if checked in on_minute will be nan
md.L1.net_change  PC Net Change
md.L1.net_percent_change  Percent Net Change
md.L1.open  Not necessarily the open price, it is the first print after 9:30am regarless of the exchange - on the day of trading, contains nan until open price is set
md.L1.opening_trade  Opening Trade Official End of Auction on Primary exchange - To locate the specific opening print at the time of the event, check for ("O" in md.L1.trade_condition and md.L1.exchange==md.stat.exchange) in on_trade.
md.L1.opening_trade_timestamp  Opening Timestamp from the "O" print (md.L1.trade_condition) on the primary exchange. 0 until it is set.
md.L1.opening_trade_volume  Opening Trade Volume from the "O" print (md.L1.trade_condition) on the primary exchange.
md.L1.percent_change_from_open  Percent Change from Open
md.L1.primary_acc_volume  Accumulated Volume Primary Exchange
md.L1.rvol  RVOL
md.L1.sliding_gap  prior to open = last-prev_close, after open is GAP (open-prev_close)
md.L1.sliding_gap_percent  Sliding GAP Percent - value above divided by prev_close to give a percentage sliding gap
md.L1.ssr  Short Stock Restriction Code (SSR) - No data in Backtesting
md.L1.timestamp  Timestamp
md.L1.trade_condition  Last Trade Condition - A List containing up to 4 conditions associated with the last trade. Treat this as a Python list - '6' in md.L1.trade_condition would be True if it was in the list, code... ("O" in md.L1.trade_condition and md.L1.exchange==md.stat.exchange) to identify the opening print on the primary exchange. Use ("6" in md.L1.trade_condition and md.L1.exchange=md.stat.exchange) to identify the closing print. See List
md.L1.trade_direction  Trade Direction
md.L1.trade_position  Last Trade Position
md.L1.upper_limit_price_band  Upper Limit Price Band (LULD)
md.L2.get_best_asks_to_price(price)  best asks to price - Live and Forward only
md.L2.get_best_bids_to_price(price)  best bids to price - Live and Forward only
md.L2.get_exchange_best_ask(exchange)  exchange best ask - Live and Forward only
md.L2.get_exchange_best_bid(exchange)  exchange best bid - Live and Forward only
Bars Access to historic Formed bar data Daily and Minute.
For data from the forming bars (current incomplete "live" bar) see md.L1. above
md.bars. Data Passed in This is the data you pass to the bar calls
start An offset. Normally negative -10 = 10 days/minutes ago. Or a timestamp.
end An offset. Optional. Normally negative -8 = 8 days/minutes ago. Or a timestamp.
include_empty Returns bars for empty minutes, Empty bars contain NaN if no trades happened in bar (use .valid to check bar)
include_extended MINUTE ONLY Include pre/post minute bars
bar_size MINUTE ONLY Minute bar size. Based off 9:30 start time
today_only MINUTE EXTENDED ONLY Limits the bars returned to today only
md.bars Data returned This is the data returned by the bar call
askvol the volume of trades that occurred at the ask during timeframe
avgdelta Average change in price between trades during time period.
bidvol the volume of trades that occurred at the bid during timeframe
bvwap DAILY ONLY the vwap for the bar, see md.L1.minute_vwap for the vwap for the current minute
bwap LIVE MINUTE ONLY the vwap for the minute bar but is only available on the live trading system
close final, or closing price for the bar
closing_trade DAILY ONLY closing price for the symbol's primary exchange (6 print, MOC print)
count number of items contributing to the bar
high highest price for the bar
length time length for the bar (rolled bars - see bar_size above)
low lowest price for the bar
open first qualifying trade of the bar, so for daily bars this will be the first non odd-lot print after 9:30. Not necessarily the "Opening Print"/"O" print. See below.
opening_trade DAILY BARS ONLY Opening price for the symbol's primary exchange (ie the "O" print, the MOO print). if it is 0.0 then use the value in open (see above)
spread average difference between the ask and the bid for the bar
symbol symbol for the bar
timestamp timestamps for the beginning of each bar, use service.time_to_string(muts,format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") to pull the date/time
valid whether or not bar is valid
volume volume for the bar
vwap volume weighted average price(vwap) of the bar, for minute bars this is the vwap for the day up to this point
md.bars Examples Real world examples of bar fetch requests
md.bar.daily(start=-10)  Fetch the last 10 daily bars - This will always have a length of 16 because there are 16 different list contained in the returned list, an open list, a close list etc
md.bar.daily(start=-10).open  Fetch the last 10 daily bars open prices
md.bar.daily(start=-10).close  Fetch the last 10 daily bars close price
md.bar.daily(start=-10).low  Fetch the last 10 daily bars low prices
md.bar.daily(start=-10).high  Fetch the last 10 daily bars high prices
md.bar.daily(start=-10).volume  Fetch the last 10 daily bars volumes
md.bar.load_daily_bars(days=730)  Used in on_start to expand the number of daily bars from base of 1 year, use multiples of 365 (so 730 gets you 502/503 bars, 1095 gets you 755/756 bars). Caution, this WILL SLOW DOWN YOUR SCRIPT!
md.bar.minute(start=-5)  Fetch the last 5 minute bars - This will always have a length of 16 because there are 16 different list contained in the returned list, an open list, a close list etc
md.bar.minute(start=-5).open  Fetch the last 5 minute bars open prices
md.bar.minute(start=-5).close  Fetch the last 5 minute bars close price
md.bar.minute(start=-5).low  Fetch the last 5 minute bars low prices
md.bar.minute(start=-5).high  Fetch the last 5 minute bars high prices
md.bar.minute(start=-5).volume  Fetch the last 5 minute bars volumes
md.bar.daily_by_index(-10)  Will have up to 10 items no matter how many days it needs to go back
md.bar.minute_by_index(-10)  Will have up to 10 items no matter how many minutes it needs to go back (limited by the parameters of the method)
service.time_to_string(md.bar.daily(start=-1).timestamp[0], '%Y-%m-%d')  Gets the date of the bar for the most recent completed trading day
md.bar.minute(start=-1, bar_size=15)  Roll your own sized bars from the minute bars, caution on timing, best to do in on_minute_bar or on_timer
md.bar.minute(start=-300, today_only=False,include_extended=False) Get the last 300 bars, go back into yesterday but dont include pre/post
md.bar.minute(start=-300, today_only=False,include_extended=True) Get the last 300 minute bars, go back into yesterday, include pre and post
md.bar.minute(start=-100, bar_size=15,include_extended=True) Get the last 100 bars, use pre and post, roll into 15m bars
md.bar.minute(start=-300, bar_size=10,today_only=False,include_extended=False) Get the last 300 bars, do not use pre post but go back into yesterday if you need to, roll into 10 min bars
md.bar.minute(start=-300, bar_size=5,today_only=False) Get 300 minute bars, go back into yesterday, not pre or post, roll into 5m bars
md.bar.minute(start=yestOpTime,end=yestClTime,today_only=False) minute bars from yesterday, use yestOpTime,yestClTime = service.get_market_hours(-1) to get the open and close timestamps for the previous day
News News Headline data
md.news.headline  Headline
md.news.hyperlink  Hyperlink
md.news.provider_name  Provider Name
md.news.source_instructions  Source Instructions
md.news.story_codes  Story Codes
md.news.symbols  Symbols
md.news.synopsis  Synopsis
md.news.timestamp  TimeStamp
md.news.wire_description  Wire Description
Service Functions Input Output - Script input/output
service.read_file()  Read from a file in USER DATA, Advanced
service.write_file()  Writing to a File in USER DATA
Script Control Controlling scripts
service.terminate()  Terminate a symbol at the end of this pass
Triggers Managing System Methods/Callbacks
service.add_event_trigger()  ELITE ONLY Add a event trigger to the list of triggers. Should clear other event triggers first. It only works in on_start().
service.add_time_trigger(timestamp,repeat_interval=None,timer_id=None)  ELITE ONLY add a time trigger that calls on_timer at the time you set with the id, repeat interval is integer time
service.clear_event_triggers()  ELITE ONLY Remove all event triggers from the list of triggers.
service.clear_time_triggers()  ELITE ONLY Remove all time triggers from the list of triggers.
  General Overview of Timer Functions
Account Functions Getting account, risk, position and PnL information Main Documentation
account[self.symbol].position.entry_price  Entry Price for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].position.inventory  Dictionary containing position information including ENTRY TIME!!
account[self.symbol].position.mtm_price  MTM Price for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].position.shares  Position Shares for specific symbol
account.account_id  Account Id
account.buying_power  Buying Power
account.mtm_pl  MTM P&L
account.entry_pl  Entry P&L
account.open_capital_long  Open Capital Long
account.open_capital_short  Open Capital Short
account.open_symbols  useful for multi-day, add this to your is_symbol_qual - 'or symbol in account.open_symbols'
account.pending_capital_long  Capital Long
account.pending_capital_short  Capital Short
account.realized_entry_pl  Realized Entry P&L
account.realized_mtm_pl  Realized MTM P&L
account.unrealized_entry_pl  Unrealized Entry P&L
account.unrealized_mtm_pl  Unrealized MTM P&L
account.realized_entry_pl+account.unrealized_entry_pl Total Entry PnL (calculated based on direction of trade and current bid/ask)
account.realized_mtm_pl+account.unrealized_mtm_pl Total MTM PnL (calculated based on direction of trade and current bid/ask)
account[self.symbol].pending.capital_long  Pending capital Long for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].pending.capital_short  Pending capital Short for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].pending.count_long  Count of pending long orders for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].pending.count_short  Count of pending short orders for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].pending.shares_long  Pending shares Long for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].pending.shares_short  Pending shares Short for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].position.capital_long  Capital Long for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].position.capital_short  Capital Short for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].realized_pl.entry_pl  Realized Entry P&L for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].realized_pl.mtm_pl  Realized MTM P&L for specific symbol
account[self.symbol].unrealized_pl.entry_pl  Unrealized Entry P&L for specific symbol (calculated based on direction of trade and current bid/ask)
account[self.symbol].unrealized_pl.mtm_pl  Unrealized MTM P&L for specific symbol(calculated based on direction of trade and current bid/ask)
Profiling Find out why your model is taking so long to run!
service.enable_profiling() Enable the profiling process
service.disable_profiling() Disable the profiling process
Imbalances Imbalance Data NYSE AMEX NASDAQ
md.amer_imb.abs_price_diff_bid_ask  Price Diff abs Bid-Ask
md.amer_imb.abs_price_diff_from_pc  Price Delta PC
md.amer_imb.abs_price_diff_from_pc_percent_atr  Diff Match Price PC of ATR
md.amer_imb.clearing_price  Continuous Clear Price
md.amer_imb.closing_only_clearing_price  Close Clear Price
md.amer_imb.exchange  Exchange
md.amer_imb.flip_count  Flip Count (includes flips passing via a zero as of update 2020/1/12)
md.amer_imb.high_imbalance  Imbalance Shares High
md.amer_imb.high_imbalance_time  Imbalance Shares High Time
md.amer_imb.imbalance_quantity  Imbalance Shares
md.amer_imb.is_regulatory  Is Regulatory
md.amer_imb.last_flip_time  Flip Time (Last)
md.amer_imb.paired_quantity  Paired Quantity
md.amer_imb.price_diff_bid_ask  Price Diff Bid-Ask
md.amer_imb.price_diff_from_last  Price Diff from Last
md.amer_imb.price_percent_diff_last  Percent of Price
md.amer_imb.price_percent_pc  Price Diff Percent PC
md.amer_imb.reference_price  Reference Price
md.amer_imb.regulatory_quantity  Regulatory Imbalance Shares
md.amer_imb.shares_percent_primary_vol  Percent of NYSE Volume
md.amer_imb.shares_percent_vol  Percent of Volume
md.amer_imb.SSR_filling_price  SSR Filling Price
md.amer_imb.timestamp  Time
md.amer_imb.type  Nyse Imbalance Type
md.arca_imb.abs_price_diff_from_pc  Price Delta PC
md.arca_imb.abs_price_diff_from_pc_percent_atr  Diff Match Price PC of ATR
md.arca_imb.exchange  Exchange
md.arca_imb.flip_count  Flip Count (includes flips passing via a zero as of update 2020/1/12)
md.arca_imb.high_imbalance  Imbalance Shares High
md.arca_imb.high_imbalance_time  Imbalance Shares High Time
md.arca_imb.indicative_match_price  indicative_match_price
md.arca_imb.indicative_match_volume  indicative_match_volume
md.arca_imb.last_flip_time  Flip Time (Last)
md.arca_imb.market_imbalance  Market Imbalance
md.arca_imb.timestamp  Time
md.arca_imb.total_imbalance  Total Imbalance
md.arca_imb.type  Auction Type
md.nyse_imb.abs_price_diff_bid_ask  Price Diff abs Bid-Ask
md.nyse_imb.abs_price_diff_from_pc  Price Delta PC
md.nyse_imb.abs_price_diff_from_pc_percent_atr  Diff Match Price PC of ATR
md.nyse_imb.clearing_price  Continuous Clear Price
md.nyse_imb.closing_only_clearing_price  Close Clear Price
md.nyse_imb.exchange  Exchange
md.nyse_imb.flip_count  Flip Count
md.nyse_imb.high_imbalance  Imbalance Shares High
md.nyse_imb.high_imbalance_time  Imbalance Shares High Time
md.nyse_imb.imbalance_quantity  Imbalance Shares
md.nyse_imb.is_regulatory  Is Regulatory
md.nyse_imb.last_flip_time  Flip Time (Last)
md.nyse_imb.paired_quantity  Paired Quantity
md.nyse_imb.price_diff_bid_ask  Price Diff Bid-Ask
md.nyse_imb.price_diff_from_last  Price Diff from Last
md.nyse_imb.price_percent_diff_last  Percent of Price
md.nyse_imb.price_percent_pc  Price Diff Percent PC
md.nyse_imb.reference_price  Reference Price
md.nyse_imb.regulatory_quantity  Regulatory Imbalance Shares
md.nyse_imb.shares_percent_primary_vol  Percent of NYSE Volume
md.nyse_imb.shares_percent_vol  Percent of Volume
md.nyse_imb.SSR_filling_price  SSR Filling Price
md.nyse_imb.timestamp  Time
md.nyse_imb.type  Nyse Imbalance Type
md.nasdaq_imb.abs_price_diff_from_far  Far Price Diff abs
md.nasdaq_imb.abs_price_diff_from_far_percent_atr  Far Price Diff Percent Atr
md.nasdaq_imb.abs_price_diff_from_near  Near Price Diff abs
md.nasdaq_imb.abs_price_diff_from_near_percent_atr  Near Price Diff Percent Atr
md.nasdaq_imb.abs_price_diff_from_pc  Price Delta PC
md.nasdaq_imb.abs_price_diff_from_pc_percent_of_atr  Diff Match Price PC of ATR
md.nasdaq_imb.exchange  Exchange
md.nasdaq_imb.far_price  Far Price
md.nasdaq_imb.flip_count  Flip Count (includes flips passing via a zero as of update 2020/1/12)
md.nasdaq_imb.high_imbalance  Imbalance Shares High
md.nasdaq_imb.high_imbalance_time  Imbalance Shares High Time
md.nasdaq_imb.imbalance_quantity  Imbalance Shares
md.nasdaq_imb.last_flip_time  Flip Time (Last)
md.nasdaq_imb.near_price  Near Price
md.nasdaq_imb.paired_quantity  Paired Shares
md.nasdaq_imb.price_diff_from_far  Far Price Diff
md.nasdaq_imb.price_diff_from_near  Near Price Diff
md.nasdaq_imb.price_variation_indicator  Price Variation Indicator
md.nasdaq_imb.reference_price  Current Reference Price
md.nasdaq_imb.timestamp  Time
md.nasdaq_imb.type  Cross Type
md.market_close_time  Market Close Time
md.market_open_time  Market Open Time
Book Data INTERNAL ONLY Depth of Book Data - ONLY IN AVAILABLE IN FORWARD TESTING AND LIVE - Very costly in CPU cycles to accumulate down the book!
md.book.get_all_ask_shares_to_price(price)  all ask shares to price
md.book.get_all_bid_shares_to_price(price)  all bid shares to price
md.book.get_ask_shares_at_price(exchange, price)  ask shares at price
md.book.get_ask_shares_to_price(exchange, price)  ask shares to price
md.book.get_ask_vwap_to_price(exchange, price)  ask vwap to price
md.book.get_bid_shares_at_price(exchange, price)  bid shares at price
md.book.get_bid_shares_to_price(exchange, price)  bid shares to price
md.book.get_bid_vwap_to_price(exchange, price)  bid vwap to price
md.book.get_top_price_of_all_book_asks()  top price of all book asks
md.book.get_top_price_of_all_book_bids()  top price of all book bids
md.book.get_top_price_of_book_asks(exchange)  top price of book asks
md.book.get_top_price_of_book_bids(exchange)  top price of book bids
Simple Order Placement To be used when developing a model, these order type cannot be used in a LIVE trading environment
order.send(self.symbol, 'buy', 100, type='MKT')  Simple Market Order, use 'buy' or 'sell', shares, type defaults to MKT
order.send(self.symbol, 'buy', 100, type='LMT', price=1125)  Simple Limit Order, price is your Limit price, for a Buy it is the highest price you are willing to pay
order.send(self.symbol, 'sell', 100, type='LMT', price=1130)  Simple Limit Order, price is your Limit price, for a Sell it is the lowest price you are willing sell for
order.send(self.symbol, 'sell', 100, type='STP', stop=1125)  Simple Stop Market Order, use 'buy' or 'sell', stop price is the price at which the market order will be triggered
order.send(self.symbol, 'buy', 100, type='STL', stop=1130,price=1129.2)  Simple Stop Limit Order, use 'buy' or 'sell', stop price is the price at which the Limit order will be triggered, price is the Limit price (as above)
order.send(self.symbol, 'buy', 100, type='MOO')  Simple Market On Open Order, use 'buy' or 'sell', time restrictions apply, see docs
order.send(self.symbol, 'sell', 100, type='MOC')  Simple Market On Close Order, use 'buy' or 'sell', time restrictions apply, see docs
order.send(self.symbol, 'buy', 100, type='LOO', price=908.00)  Simple Limit On Open Order, use 'buy' or 'sell', price is the target limit price
order.send(self.symbol, 'sell', 100, type='LOC', price=908.00)  Simple Limit On Close Order, use 'buy' or 'sell', price is the target limit price
order.send(self.symbol, 'buy', 100, type='MIT', stop=1125)  Simple Market If Price is Touched. Send a Buy Market order if the price comes down to the (stop) price specified.
order.send(self.symbol, 'sell', 100, type='MIT', stop=1125)  Simple Market If Price is Touched. Send a Sell Market order if the price comes up to the (stop) price specified.
order.cancel(self.symbol, order_id=self.buy_handle)  Simple Order Cancel, capture the handle when placing the order and use to cancel - see documentation
Order Placement You can use basic "limit" and "market" algos or more sophisticated algos, see below
order.algo_buy(self.symbol, algorithm="market", intent="init",order_quantity=100,collect=self.data_collection)  All orders must have an order_quantity except exits (intent='exit'). To collect data at the time of order use collect=, give it a dictionary and the data in the dictionary will be in your trades.csv file ie {'last': md.L1.last, 'bid': md.L1.bid, 'ask': md.L1.ask}. If you use the letters 'time' in a field name it will cause that field to be exported in TIME FORMAT!!!
order.algo_buy(self.symbol, algorithm="limit", intent="init",price=md.L1.bid -0.15,order_quantity=100,collect=self.data_collection)  A limit order must have a price
order.algo_sell(self.symbol, algorithm="market", intent="exit",collect=self.data_collection)  If it is an exit no need for quantity. collect= you can have a different dictionary for your exit!
order.cancel(symbol, order_id, criteria, user_key) Complex function - see documentation
order.twap(self.symbol, 500, "buy", start_time=twap_start, end_time=twap_end, order_aggression=4) TWAP - Time Weighted Average Price Order - See Documentation
order.twap_cancel(order_handle) Capture handle when placing order and use to cancel - See Documentation
order.vwap(self.symbol, 5000, "buy", time_frame=10,order_aggression=3) VWAP - Volume Weighted Average Price Order - See Documentation
order.vwap_cancel(order_handle) Capture handle when placing order and use to cancel - See Documentation
Order Algos A selection of order algos, for more options see Reference ... Order Algos
"market" Simulation of basic market order
"limit" Simulation of basic limit order, price must be passed, see above
For VWAP Volume Weighted Average Price - has a unique order type, see above or documentation
For TWAP Time Weighted Average Price - has a unique order type, see above or documentation
NYSE_MKT_BUY = "96c01190-bbcc-40c2-b3c1-d645e3dff215"# NYSE market order BUY
NYSE_MKT_SELL = "a5a329d1-f81e-4d4b-99c3-dfff4053e09f"# NYSE market order SELL
NASD_MKT_BUY = "1f9b553d-30bf-40a3-8868-ebe70b5079b2"# NASDAQ market order BUY
NASD_MKT_SELL = "5fc61945-3498-47da-abf6-b5dabdc9f4ac"# NASDAQ market order SELL
ARCA_MKT_BUY = "2b4fdc55-ff01-416e-a5ea-e1f1d4524c7d"# ARCA market order BUY
ARCA_MKT_SELL = "8fdee8fe-b772-46bd-b411-5544f7a0d917"# ARCA market order SELL
BATS_MKT_BUY = "103d9b43-937a-4590-9f54-1476f3545cf1"# BATS market order BUY
BATS_MKT_SELL = "398a38ee-b614-4678-90a6-dbf40d2a54b9"# BATS market order SELL
NYSE_LMT_BUY = "dc5c926b-077d-4446-a765-a11032925ffc"# NYSE limit order BUY
NYSE_LMT_SELL = "8587f4f5-0301-4645-aa97-fc530eb9f0c2"# NYSE limit order SELL
NASD_LMT_BUY = "4ad20d14-aacb-4850-9efe-cfa92d154304"# NASDAQ limit order BUY
NASD_LMT_SELL = "09528d6b-7d4f-4cc2-8611-8bbecb33785c"# NASDAQ limit order SELL
ARCA_LMT_BUY = "97a91492-1033-4a96-a546-9bff6df73b08"# ARCA limit order BUY
ARCA_LMT_SELL = "c982d0cd-9be5-4a35-b89f-1f66b2495ec4"# ARCA limit order SELL
NYSE_MOO_BUY = "7933f7c8-2561-4665-a51d-f67df4eb9fac"# NYSE market on open MOO BUY
NYSE_MOO_SELL = "3b717b2a-509e-415a-ac43-3d8584d57db8"# NYSE market on open MOO SELL
NASD_MOO_BUY = "38448f6d-2fa5-421b-945e-ca0f1ec6f4c4"# NASDAQ market on open MOO BUY
NASD_MOO_SELL = "be6c7d04-0023-4874-adb2-f5aa9d5a67bd"# NASDAQ market on open MOO SELL
ARCA_MOO_BUY = "48c76891-2d0b-424e-91de-480d15718761"# ARCA market on open MOO BUY
ARCA_MOO_SELL = "b5729f26-67a8-4256-a9cc-9685a4614287"# ARCA market on open MOO SELL
NYSE_LOO_BUY = "67ec1474-5fbe-421f-a5a1-083e36302f6f"# NYSE limit on open LOO BUY
NYSE_LOO_SELL = "8b30e0f8-6fac-484f-8641-66716b54f701"# NYSE limit on open LOO SELL
NASD_LOO_BUY = "8a8b1b72-8224-4a57-8e49-618e0e80bd01"# NASDAQ limit on open LOO BUY
NASD_LOO_SELL = "a8f38ef2-85b4-461e-9ab7-49f9c84d59d2"# NASDAQ limit on open LOO SELL
ARCA_LOO_BUY = "f629b2e1-2896-4b50-931c-e068b19e413f"# ARCA limit on open LOO BUY
ARCA_LOO_SELL = "03d615b9-e74a-4831-a2b7-503c547662dd"# ARCA limit on open LOO BUY
NYSE_MOC_BUY = "45fdb0b4-06b7-4845-ad2b-c4a9610d522e"# NYSE market on close MOC BUY
NYSE_MOC_SELL = "3baa4e23-315a-4304-a852-bb476dfee9eb"# NYSE market on close MOC SELL
NASD_MOC_BUY = "e8d1c66b-e8c7-4756-b29f-080b55fc58bb"# NASDAQ market on close MOC BUY
NASD_MOC_SELL = "39f6e5fe-3782-4119-8c75-9b7e3558e5cb"# NASDAQ market on close MOC SELL
ARCA_MOC_BUY = "df58779e-22f2-47a1-afa5-ce5ed0fc095d"# ARCA market on close MOC BUY
ARCA_MOC_SELL = "28bfb89c-93f9-45b1-b414-f79aa16865c5"# ARCA market on close MOC SELL
NYSE_LOC_BUY = "a4f5de75-1f6c-4bb5-bea5-c649c4515a8e"# NYSE limit on close LOC BUY
NYSE_LOC_SELL = "8e15d90b-5842-4e6a-81ea-5d404400913c"# NYSE limit on close LOC SELL
NASD_LOC_BUY = "a3d068a6-f2ba-4270-b029-57eb455decae"# NASDAQ limit on close LOC BUY
NASD_LOC_BUY IO = "f7221ac9-7178-4e9e-baca-d68199c06c95"# NASDAQ limit on close LOC BUY IO
NASD_LOC_SELL = "e1302f13-3c4b-4d07-b43d-b7b32f29700a"# NASDAQ limit on close LOC SELL
NASD_LOC_SELL IO = "3120f982-e103-4175-8421-9966bf665c96"# NASDAQ limit on close LOC SELL IO
ARCA_LOC_BUY = "a03c2644-0cad-42d6-9922-44f1e534ee11"# ARCA limit on close LOC BUY
ARCA_LOC_SELL = "24c5a68c-dded-40b0-85a2-30482a333f35"# ARCA limit on close LOC SELL
Symbol List GUIDs Lists of symbols that can be different on different trading days, most lists start 2013/09/25
service.symbol_list.in_list(service.symbol_list.get_handle(guidOfList),symbol) This returns a 1 if symbol is in list and a zero if it is not. See link above for more info.
"072c1578-08c5-462a-a94e-325b2bf654b6"# Dow 30
"0ab4ba39-8b49-4c79-b062-998513608e91"# MidCap
"cc3ab113-f1e0-46a6-9a5a-ee3615f7600f"# Russell 3000
"5af64352-6bc4-47cf-a73d-09925dab62bb"# S&P 100
"552dd08d-061d-49c9-a562-343e61fc0893"# S&P 400
"9a802d98-a2d7-4326-af64-cea18f8b5d61"# S&P 500
"5d414bb9-0154-46f8-8a12-f80430c7cbca"# S&P 600
"448cbb9e-cfde-4a55-bb7b-7521080e5a0b"# Earnings Today After
"0774ba76-e53e-4293-9674-489e65c2581b"# Earnings Today Before
"37149d13-14a6-4892-8cbb-234edfa038a8"# Earnings Today During
"464e4997-ef15-4cb5-b047-b08962afd294"# Earnings Today Undefined
"e2163676-d1fb-4253-9cb8-0ec3b739d459"# Earnings Tomorrow After
"49ebe00b-a114-46c3-9c91-a80762bc948e"# Earnings Tomorrow Before
"1ef4e286-0261-46b3-bbb8-d07f8e55026b"# Earnings Tomorrow During
"d4a57084-60a6-4fd4-951e-55c02185cce3"# Earnings Tomorrow Undefined
"288d5e0a-9ab2-4e52-9e10-420eaf2adc2b"# Earnings Yesterday After
"5ece500b-7308-428b-ab6a-0255b1342f76"# Earnings Yesterday Before
"20961a18-223f-4548-9112-f7f40e0dff40"# Earnings Yesterday During
"9c914529-e398-437f-84d8-07f8d86349eb"# Earnings Yesterday Undefined
"3595C7D8-69C4-479D-85DD-F70BB634F8C5" Earnings 2 Days From Now Before
"6941F8B6-4F04-49BB-A733-AE7CFB967077" Earnings 2 Days From Now During
"11D99EF9-9426-4628-9043-B7F04B9C8885" Earnings 2 Days From Now After
"6561E46D-F8FA-4134-A1A3-3A884CBF684C" Earnings 3 Days From Now Before
"C63A0C55-9937-4913-9767-2C51BB31602E" Earnings 3 Days From Now During
"04CCFE59-6A0D-4718-81FB-AB19EC4A7E4B" Earnings 3 Days From Now After
"69F9548D-3829-4B27-AB13-8ADCAA92B2FD" Earnings 4 Days From Now Before
"902DB74B-5020-4957-9B1D-2DFAA7AF31DA" Earnings 4 Days From Now During
"F4E03603-A376-4F74-9ADB-C7D6F4A47E46" Earnings 4 Days From Now After
"B52E9E21-0101-45A7-8A08-C195E95D42BC" Earnings 5 Days From Now Before
"4D4E326E-AA1E-455C-B4D8-5A4F42FEE744" Earnings 5 Days From Now During
"08A7D5C5-9C46-40AF-B9E8-1A4B798C688E" Earnings 5 Days From Now After
"FB4050A2-FE73-442B-B608-088F0909213D" Earnings 2 Days Ago Before
"FB107A77-6B7C-4D19-B742-E056433099C6" Earnings 2 Days Ago During
"D40830DD-688A-4E9D-B243-D5BCB17F8FC4" Earnings 2 Days Ago After
"127ABB50-B9DD-436E-810C-33476858AC1E" Earnings 3 Days Ago Before
"12054BE7-00B2-42D2-B8C2-B182B607FEC9" Earnings 3 Days Ago During
"D088D753-D4D1-4E55-AABB-34F091698A09" Earnings 3 Days Ago After
"B4FEEF3D-F05C-49BF-877F-0F5C78A79980" Earnings 4 Days Ago Before
"33C97434-6D1C-4B96-9B23-ABA2D91E5746" Earnings 4 Days Ago During
"696C3809-7709-4500-9E68-E3D4310C7ED3" Earnings 4 Days Ago After
"2D2C2A3F-B9F1-4749-A861-00ADEDFA9FD2" Earnings 5 Days Ago Before
"9B469E31-696A-418D-BC79-20E5F4BCAB70" Earnings 5 Days Ago During
"856B6BB1-2920-495A-8879-DD74582D74B5" Earnings 5 Days Ago After
"47313c31-cadf-4474-b015-cd51bd8321ae"# 500K - 1M
"c5673334-de39-4ad2-b517-82b591cdb928"# Over 1M
"5e0adb61-6315-44ef-9320-a767b5bee336"# Under 500K
"6b2fc6d0-3f87-41c3-a8e2-1507f43cb36e"# ADRs - follow this link for more
"5913eeee-45b5-44ad-9d5e-6c0aaf9950e8"# Beta Negative
"783c8bd4-0e62-4edf-96e7-286b14ac8669"# Beta Neutral
"0e788f9d-4c44-4724-8581-21ef7e5dad09"# Beta Positive
"ed87cac1-eefa-4b80-9208-8ebe24fdf902"# AMEX Listed
"834da53d-e31c-4693-b97a-4e27479cf0b0"# ARCA Listed
"18305bb4-9bf4-4032-835c-1c9e0dd203c3"# NASDAQ
"98d1556d-6593-48f7-b405-dc272e5b8296"# NASDAQ Capital Market
"702e4aef-aefa-4507-b610-97ae6f8b102b"# NASDAQ Global Market
"84d0f39d-81ff-4989-867e-d63c1d438afc"# NYSE Listed
"c3544f64-41f2-4744-bde6-dd742384c844"# NYSE/AMEX combined
"4c88e1c3-d007-481f-a410-092cf9a23743"# 8080
"06f421d1-e704-48a7-9ef8-89505ffab962"# CANSLIM
"70b04c90-7fe6-4e7d-b3bc-747f16862fcf"# Imbalance Close Buy
"7472d8a9-d277-4be1-8a30-9913ce1b79e9"# Imbalance Close Sell
"cca18f91-c32a-4bcf-9bf8-c1cf30967cde"# Imbalance Open Buy
"7a8d9b16-5560-46bb-8a43-10fe24aaf0b6"# Imbalance Open Sell
Industry Lists Follow the link for the guids
"38bac7d0-3405-4cc9-a2df-926d5661429e"# News 1 Hour, Primary Symbol
"cd76bab7-5f8f-41f7-972b-7ef147e13a91"# News 1 Hour, Secondary Symbols
"f756a741-8de9-415b-83c3-408439272056"# News 1 Hours, Related Symbols
"5d7bf4a5-d016-480c-bd3c-c850470f139a"# News 12 Hour, Secondary Symbols
"9e7e633e-1005-4944-aa93-06efa58d73e0"# News 12 Hours, Primary Symbol
"91780408-532e-4731-aa91-1c721fe79be9"# News 12 Hours, Related Symbols
"067f84fb-c7f2-4570-a83f-b90ae0adb23e"# News 15 Minutes, Primary Symbol
"d74adb7b-0d77-4920-b471-48d9778199d7"# News 15 Minutes, Related Symbols
"cbffa48e-a627-459b-8dc0-8ced39f68af3"# News 15 Minutes, Secondary Symbols
"952d33b9-d2e8-4a49-be28-e2b42975bb03"# News 24 Hour, Secondary Symbols
"413bd802-b6e8-476f-8266-200b243f7243"# News 24 Hours, Primary Symbol
"6f7da851-5bc2-4b58-b7d8-5701da7efe14"# News 24 Hours, Related Symbols
"f376473b-61e8-46c2-bad9-5befb9e65f94"# Closed Ended Fund
"188c6aff-11ea-4a19-bbf8-172fa212643b"# Closed Near High
"942cb0bf-695b-40ed-8436-34237692efae"# Closed Near Low
"82e8721e-d9fe-4ac4-b597-5197a4309a60"# ETFs
"9389dd95-ca7e-4fe2-b2a6-329ce7de4665"# ETNs
"0ed13989-3429-4724-8baf-985dca9d1713"# Easy To Borrow
"858520b0-8c73-4098-a605-85ce8ff1acea"# IPOs Last 5 Days
"c7ce3f4c-cad3-4c55-816c-2f0c156953f6"# IPOs Today
"2e49100c-0835-47f2-972b-cf7237956a07"# Master Limited Partnership
"2726f8f5-6528-4053-ad20-055097ee1ad6"# Preferred
"e1d82910-d575-455b-954b-6e0631195358"# Recent IPOs
"01d32ce7-7e62-4a57-b2fa-a6da1ac0d915"# Recent Reverse Splits
"936eebb3-3374-448b-9332-41176eb91e40"# Series
"ff169722-bfef-4f47-bc4d-6c09db5b72d1"# Splits Today
"170ddf0e-e43b-4836-ae86-26ea5d363439"# Warrants
"52f15b46-bb36-444d-b0bd-23168528c6e1"# When Distributed
"1cb70701-7ca9-491a-a9df-96f1380e199a"# When Issued
"8d57e928-1a4f-4c03-bae5-574ec8907d72"# Sector Basic Material
"5ecad242-a19b-47d7-8637-3d1e3b4f0440"# Sector Capital Equipment
"5d61afc6-bfc4-41ae-bbad-53167a1cecc8"# Sector Consumer Cyclical
"027e7005-8081-4d8d-b291-820ee12863c1"# Sector Consumer Staple
"eb00e6d2-e037-4f87-8f55-a1a439b267b0"# Sector Energy
"1030bd52-50c3-4669-ae30-0a034e8408a7"# Sector Financial
"e2cf6180-1932-4d6e-8dd4-8e0d744aa1b3"# Sector Health Care
"a24710bd-14eb-4a87-aa0d-bd1fa4fff72f"# Sector Retail
"d18366ec-fa56-4517-8e47-3ada4475d0dd"# Sector Technology
"e8434d5d-aab4-4d2c-91d5-06f2de0dcfad"# Sector Transportation
"27d09a87-460b-40e8-8c3e-19c9c6143823"# Sector Utility